Bloom Network

$328.17 crowdfunded from 188 people

$2,414.99 received from matching pools

average score over 2 application evaluations
Cyber-physical network empowering global grassroots climate action through knowledge-sharing and regenerative projects with a new smart contracts reward system.

🌍 A cyber-physical social network that helps people find and participate in grassroots climate actions where they live.

More people want to join than we can keep up with with current resources - we need your support!

Bloom Network is 30,000 people on the ground in 32 local Bloom hubs across 9 countries. Local Bloom hubs plant community gardens, teach people to form agroforestry and solar co-ops, and build regional regenerative economies. Online through Bloom’s social network, we share knowledge peer-to-peer to implement climate repair more quickly and cost-effectively.

We just completed our smart contracts for regenerative action rewards! More info below.

Local Impact Example

Broadfield Enterprises Uganda has catalyzed 1300 smallholder farmers in Sanje to successfully implement commercial permaculture. Community members plant permaculture agroforestry gardens with 3 export crops and 500 indigenous plant species. Their method results in transformational development of good soils, microclimate, and increased canopy cover. The farms establish local food and economic security, reduced waste and female-led cooperatives. Seven schools with 70,000+ pupils are learning permaculture through their curriculum, and they are scaling to another 100,000+ pupils. They recently formed a Permaculture Innovation Hub in partnership with Bloom and Africa First to support and educate local farmers with social entrepreneurship skills! By collaborating with Bloom Network, they are able to increase the global distribution of their coffee, find more business mentors, and augment their finance.

🌿 Here is a video featuring their crew and describing Bloom’s Impact Bounties program.

Bloom Network is well positioned to onboard millions of new users to web3 in the coming years. Our full-featured social network helps people build permanent relationships of mutual support, and makes existing low-cost solutions more visible and replicable.

Impact Bounties Pilot

Achievements since Gitcoin Beta Round, with $5500

Completed our smart contracts for our Regenerative Action bounties protocol with Inverter Network.

  • RoleBasedAuthorizer:
  • BountyManager: Bloom Open Bounty Workflow

Welcomed 9 new Local Bloom hubs. We are thrilled to report that the most common comment we receive when onboarding people is “OMG, this is IT!”. We designed the platform with and by local community organizers around the world, to address what they were missing from mainstream social media for effective global collaboration.

Coded new features:

Q4 Budget Needs

  • $4,500 - digital community lead: onboard new members
  • $4,000 - mid-senior developer: performance optimization, social wallet login, contracts integration
  • $2,000 - Magenta Ceiba: design and build an introductions system for members to make magic together
  • $5,000 - Inverter Network: smart contracts completed in Q3
  • $2,800 - Brainfog: final payment due for their work building the core of Bloom social network in 2022
  • Gratis - Grantwriting team working on securing funds for our food system work on the ground

Total: $18,300

Funds received above this amount will go into the Regenerative Action Rewards pool to reward members for reporting their local impacts.

🙌🏽 Our Protocol Team

Bloom International members build technology for major television networks and DAO governance, and are professional journalists and creatives. Want to join our team? Here’s some open roles!

Team: Magenta Ceiba, Meg Rivers, Aishwarya Iyer, Manasa Shastri, Anita Caldera, and 50+ local community organizers


Bloom Network History

  • accepted into Climate Round 1 year ago. 140 people contributed $283 to the project, and $1,855 of match funding was provided.
  • accepted into Web3 Social 1 year ago. 48 people contributed $45 to the project, and $560 of match funding was provided.

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