$1,151.73 crowdfunded from 878 people
$296.80 received from matching pools
For the last two Gitcoin Grants rounds, I have been using on-chain data to decide which grants to fund. I evaluated 158 projects for the Alpha Round and over 600 for the Beta Round. The analysis took many hours of coding and experimentation, but gets better with each round.
I also set-up one of the first Dune Dashboards for monitoring Gitcoin Grants during the UNICEF round, which I'm delighted to see being forked and used for future rounds.
If you want to explore more of my Gitcoin-inspired data viz, then check out this Network Graph of Impact DAOs, some on-chain DeSoc analysis research, and these fun little "plural preferences" plots.
Last but not least, any funds that come my way will be re-invested in decentralized impact evaluations, either through direct sponsorships or bounties!
Carl Cervone - Onchain Impact Evaluatooooor History
accepted into Gitcoin Citizens Round #1: Retroactive funding 1 year ago. 878 people contributed $1,152 to the project, and $297 of match funding was provided.