CCC: photojournalism expeditions on the field to document Climate Change

$17.54 crowdfunded from 6 people

$119.96 received from matching pools

average score over 1 application evaluations
Funding local artists' expeditions to capture climate change effects using art, aiming to inspire action and awareness, including documenting Delhi's landfill fires with a new drone.

We plan to run expeditions with local artists to document the impacts of climate change and produce visuals that will awaken people's senses and inspire action. One of the next expeditions will be to Delhi to document one of the biggest landfills in the world that catches fire during the hottest months.

The aim of this project is to use the power of art to raise awareness about the climate emergency.

FUNDS FOR WHAT❓ -We are looking to fund 2849 USD to buy a new drone to be used freely by the artists (Mavic 3). -We are gathering funds to be able to conduct multiple expeditions by sponsoring most of the expenses for local artists (Delhi summer 2023 is the soonest).

DONE ✅We have conducted expeditions in continental Europe, northern Europe and the Alps

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✅We have documented the 2022 Summer European Megadrought and created the creation of 300+ visual artifacts, which have been published by the project's leader Marco (one every single day for one full year).

✅ We have also collaborated with organizations such as the RainForest Alliance, New York Observer and the team of "Just Stop Oil." We have been mentioned in the Master Thesis "Art for Change" of the University of Groningen.

✅ We have set up a database of images that can be freely used by climate orgs.

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HOW❓ The expeditions will provide artists with first-hand experiences of climate change impacts. They will document the effects of climate change and produce visual materials that will be made available in an open-source image database for climate orgs.

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CCC: photojournalism expeditions on the field to document Climate Change History

  • accepted into Climate Solutions 1 year ago. 6 people contributed $18 to the project, and $120 of match funding was provided.

People donating to CCC: photojournalism expeditions on the field to document Climate Change, also donated to

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