Chainstack Subgraphs
average score over 1 application evaluations
Deploy and query Fantom subgraphs with high-speed, reliable infrastructure, 99.9% uptime, and 24/7 support for real-time smart contract data indexing.

Chainstack Subgraphs is a single point of access for data on Fantom.

Index and query Fantom data with faster, better, and more reliable infrastructure.

Deploy subgraphs with 99.9%+ availability and fetch smart contract data at twice the speed of competition.

The fastest real-time indexing solution, coupled with SLAs and 24/7 support.

Chainstack Subgraphs History

Explore projects

A research group is investigating bonding curves as a tool for stabilizing token economies in DAOs, aiming to educate and develop sustainable Web3 economic models.
GreenPill chapter based in Los Angeles focused on supporting local public good organizations both with volunteering and bringing Regen tools like QF.
Series of how-to guides for Ethereum staking on Ubuntu, covering withdrawal setups and various consensus/execution clients, targeting newcomers. Upcoming work includes performance reviews.
Empowering underserved communities with Web3-driven microfinance, education, and conservation incentives; distributing income and microcredits while fostering financial inclusion and environmental stewardship through blockchain technology.
A regulated protocol offering stable, real-world asset-backed yields on Avalanche, drawing liquidity, enhancing regulatory compliance, and fostering DeFi innovation without KYC, targeting institutions and individual stablecoin holders.