$53.79 crowdfunded from 55 people

$162.50 received from matching pools

average score over 1 application evaluations
Creating a decentralized app for collective fact-checking and news validation using blockchain and a community-driven approach to enhance online trust and integrity.

Our project centers on fostering a more informed and trustworthy online environment through a decentralized fact-checking verification app.

By using UMA, an optimistic oracle and dispute arbitration system, our approach embodies optimism and inclusivity. At the heart of our application lies the ability for users to collectively assess the accuracy of news sources. This is where the magic happens – anyone can participate, and each individual's voice is valued. Every user has the authority to both validate and question, ensuring a fully permissionless ecosystem that thrives on the integrity of each participant.

By harnessing the potential of blockchain technology, we're not only advancing the web3 space but also fostering a sense of unity and responsibility. We're creating a space where biases are minimized, and where every contribution – whether through votes, challenges, or disputes – shapes the narrative in a more equitable direction.

Join us in this collective journey as we propel web3 forward, ushering in a new era of community-driven integrity and empowerment. Together, we can pave the way for a digital landscape where trust, knowledge, and collaboration flourish.

Checky History

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