City Farmers

$103.45 crowdfunded from 109 people

$655.29 received from matching pools

average score over 1 application evaluations
Non-profit empowers justice-involved individuals and veterans through workforce development, education, and sustainable agriculture enterprise ownership, fostering economic development and sharing research insights.

A 501(c)3 non-profit headquartered in Chicago, IL, USA

Our purpose as defined by our bylaws:

a) Developing the workforce by decentralizing agriculture and providing employment, training, and support to justice-involved individuals and veterans, enabling them to operate and own their own enterprises.

b) Promoting economic development and job creation through the establishment and expansion of sustainable agriculture enterprises owned and operated by individuals from underserved communities.

c) Providing education, training, and resources to justice-involved individuals and veterans to enhance their skills and knowledge in sustainable agriculture practices, entrepreneurship, and business management.

d) Conducting research and disseminating information regarding sustainable agriculture techniques, workforce development strategies, and the economic and social impacts of integrating justice-involved individuals and veterans into the agriculture sector.

City Farmers History

  • accepted into Climate Solutions Round 10 months ago. 109 people contributed $103 to the project, and $655 of match funding was provided.

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