Commons Stack
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Commons Stack


We enable communities to fund and govern their mission! With Gitcoin donations, we continue providing blueprints and tools for impact communities to realize economic sustainability and shared resource governance.

Leveraging our success with the Augmented Bonding Curve and Economic Co-design, used by the Token Engineering Commons (TEC), we aim to further enable more communities to launch their own economies by refining, documenting, and promoting our open-source tools and protocols for creating sustainable token economies and equitable governance system.

Donate to Commons Stack and support our solutions for funding, governance and public goods management. Your generosity is greatly appreciated! 🙏

🌎 About Commons Stack

Commons Stack innovates at the intersection between culture and token engineering.

We build open-source technical tools and cultural frameworks that enable impact initiatives to evolve into decentralized, regenerative, self-governing communities. Our expertise lies in guiding communities through the process of creating an organizational structure that facilitates active participation, cooperation, and accountability. You can build a community-driven ecosystem that fosters positive change and ensures your project’s long-term success.

These four pillars present our approach to funding, governance, and public goods management:

Cultural frameworks: We provide comprehensive cultural frameworks that empower impact-focused communities to form, fundraise, and govern effectively, ensuring their long-term success. These frameworks are designed to accommodate the unique needs and challenges of DAOs, offering flexible, research-based solutions that respect both collective and individual autonomy.

Economics Co-design: We champion Economic Co-design, a methodology that promotes inclusion, transparency, and active participation, enabling community members to create their own economic design proposals. This ensures diverse perspectives are heard, fostering the growth of innovative and practical solutions tailored to community needs through a 3-step process: educate, propose, and vote.

Research: We conduct research to innovate collective governance and economic design tools for web3. Our research-led approach allows us to create adaptable templates that cater to the unique needs of diverse communities.

Library of Tools: We curate a library of tools, comprised of modular, interoperable solutions that empower communities to fund projects and establish regenerative token economies. These tools, including the Augmented Bonding Curve and Conviction Voting, facilitate the launch of CommonsDAO and complement the creation of a sustainable, polycentric governance model.

To enable more communities to launch and experiment with ABC (Augmented Bonding Curves), we rolled out an MVP of ABC Launch and ABC Swap. The Launch dapp enables individuals and projects to create an Aragon DAO and deploy their own ABC. One can customize parameters such as opening price, reserve collateral and entry/exit tributes, empowering projects to create DAO-owned liquidity and unique microeconomies. The Swap dapp facilitates swapping of tokens launched and governed by ABCs.

ABC graph

🌟Our History of Success

We launched the first Augmented Bonding Curve (ABC) for the Token Engineering Commons (TEC) in 2021 and, since, $TEC has maintained price parity with ETH in a bear market while the ABC collected $300k via swapping fees that go toward funding TE Public Goods.

During 2023, we deployed Aragon OS & our CommonsDAO tools such as Tao Voting and ABC to Optimism. Tao Voting features Delegation and "Wait for Quiet" to prevent last-minute vote manipulation. enables communities to launch and interact with their own ABC, providing a no-code solution to launch ABC-based economic systems like

Our Conviction Voting model has been adopted by notable projects like Gitcoin, Giveth, TEC, 1Hive, BrightID, and more.

🎯 What's Next with the Funding

Current funding will go toward supporting our development of a novel protocol we’re calling Protocol Sponsored Tokenization. This will be the first integration of Quadratic Funding and Augmented Bonding Curves designed to accelerate projects building within an ecosystem. A whitepaper on this protocol is scheduled to be published within the coming weeks.

Commons Stack History

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