Community Stories
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Web series spotlighting diverse communities, fostering discussions on structure, challenges, and innovations to inspire collaboration and educate about Web3 potential.

Community Stories is an innovative space where we explore perspectives about communities, social structures and more. This show is freely available for anyone to watch and enjoy its many benefits, including education, entertainment, and inspiration for in-depth discussions.


Community Stories put a spotlight on communities to help them thrive. The structure, problems, and development of communities are some key topics that are discussed in depth with the aim to improve current and future communities.

Communities around the world are rushed into systems that don’t fulfill their needs and many haven’t yet found the ways to reach their full potential. The legacy systems are not fit to empower communities in the coming years. The problem is that communities are lacking the systems they need to thrive. The solution is to explore the roots of community and how innovations can create a better world for all.


Taking the opportunity as a host to invite community pioneers and hear their amazing views on some of the most important topics. I am in search of answers that shape the world and provide clarity that resonate with our personal stories. Hopefully this one helps your journey too. 🙂

Our first guests include:

-Dan Singjoy (founder and creator of Eden Fractal and Eden Creators), -Douglas Butner (founder of Aquarius Academy and cXc)


To create great discussions that support communities and inspire collaboration in web3.

First Episode

Community Stories episode with guest Dan Singjoy, where we discuss community stories and next steps for this project! Dan Singjoy is an entrepreneur and creator, who delivers tremendous value for all communities with the power of web3.

Article here:

Second Episode

In this episode, we discuss scooping out the best part of the cream, peer pressure, Aquadac, fractally systems, communication within communities and a bit of AI! Gudasol is a great tech developer and a mystic rap freestyler! He is the founder of CXC, Aquarius Academy, and Aquadac project. Check out our latest video here.

Article here:


Anyone can watch Community Stories on YouTube. It can be used in variety of ways, such as:

-To provide an open discussion on communities -To encourage collaboration within web3 space -Educational content to fill community management gaps -Spread out the concept of Decentralization and playing games as a fun and interactive centered piece -Bring more people together

Moreover, I can help introduce wider audiences to the benefits of Web3. The show is very accessible, fun, and personal which can attract new people who may be unfamiliar with Web3. This is a USP (unique selling point) of the show that makes it stand out and act as a magnet.

This show can benefit everyone, including: -Web3 community and supporters (including business owners and entrepreneurs) -People involved in communities and personal development

Thanks for your time,


Community Stories History

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Colorado-based nonprofit creating regenerative land acquisition/governance systems using bioregional principles, developing a community space, trust fund, and technology for sustainable development initiatives.
this project is a duplicate submission. do not rund
Redefining charity through non-monetary donations like idea validation, feedback, resources, and mentorship to empower and guide Web3 projects.
Revolte is an educational app designed to simplify the learning of Web3 through an engaging, jargon-free adventure and wallet installation experience for beginners.
Developer of various blockchain projects including games (Morra, PixelRoll, LoogieBoard Game), NFT collections (FancyLoogies, Roboto SVG), and dApps (Quadratic Diplomacy, Event Ticketing). Active in BuidlGuidl community.