In October several Web3 global communities will converge in Chiang Mai for “pop-up cities” in the leadup to Devcon in November in Bangkok. This is an opportunity for an experiment in "Cosmolocal" Chiang Mai.
Cosmolocal is an emerging framework, developed by Michel Bauwens, to help conceptualise and organise in ways that encourage global solidarity and identity while emphasize deep and meaningful local connections and ties.
Cosmolocal Chiang Mai is about stewarding interactions between local and global communities (web3 & beyond) towards the following scenarios:
local residents and communities in Chiang Mai benefit from the influx of people and the resources, cultures, and ideas they bring.
global communities benefit from local ideas, narratives, and traditional wisdom.
A circular flow of ideas and value that creates meaningful relationships and grows the Chiang Mai commons.
Cosmolocal can be an imaginary that goes beyond the binary of global or local and beyond the defines of markets and states. It is translocal at the scale of the cosmos.
Some of the questions we seek to explore:
How can Chiang Mai can meaningfully benefit from the knowledge and resources networks of Web3 communities, and how Chiang Mai’s local communities and knowledge systems can help shape global Web3 narratives and projects?
How do we move away from extraction and orient towards sharing and abundance? How can we identify globally while being deeply embedded into local communities?
Proposed Activities • Cosmolocal futures of Chiang Mai workshop on September 8, 2024 • Creating a tech coordination layer to allow for global and local groups to connect • Facilitate gatherings in Chiang Mai: retreats, skill shares and training, talks and workshops • Commission research in the form of case studies to understand cosmolocal dynamics in Chiang Mai and other comparative places in southeast asia and globally.
Cosmolocal Chiang Mai History
accepted into Asia Round 7 months ago.