$3,577.46 crowdfunded from 7 people
$5,340.07 received from matching pools
CryptoCurious is the education and community outreach initiative of the Puerto Rico Blockchain Trade Association (PRBTA).
Our mission is to provide Puerto Ricans with the knowledge and tools necessary to navigate a new wave of digital disrupting technologies. We do this by facilitating free and easy to access web3 literacy education, and creating community through meet ups. In 2022, we held over 70 in person and online meet ups and had over 3500 participants.
We teach digital literacy fundamentals: blockchain, Bitcoin, Ethereum & smart contracts, NFTs, and wallet safety. We are currently building "InnovAccion" an online academy created for locals to learn about web3, the Metaverse, and AI. Our 2023 plan involves hosting monthly bootcamps, weekly webinars, and putting on the largest hackathon in Puerto Rico.
The PRBTA's goal is to establish a talent pipeline, so that Puerto Rico's workforce acquires the relevant skillset, knowledge and infrastructure to compete for the jobs of the future. To that end, we are partnering with public universities and student groups to bring web3 content into the classroom. We have proposed two classes one for humanities and one for software engineers to learn solidity.
Puerto Rico imports 85% of its food and 70% of the population makes less than $20k a year. The PRBTA is currently in conversation with the government to create a public land title blockchain. We know there is approximately 120,000 acres of public land across the island that can be reintroduced for farming purposes (and thus lowering the cost of food). Our first milestone is to capture the data and put it on a public blockchain.
CryptoCurious- Puerto Rico Blockchain Trade Association History
accepted into Web3 Community and Education 1 year ago. 7 people contributed $3,577 to the project, and $5,340 of match funding was provided.