DexGrid Community Microgrids

$45.68 crowdfunded from 7 people

$202.70 received from matching pools

average score over 1 application evaluations
DexGrid is a platform for creating community microgrids in Puerto Rico to provide clean energy access to low-income households, reduce electricity costs, increase resilience, and promote local ownership and employment.

DexGrid is a digital microgrids incubator and marketplace enabling Community Microgrids.

Currently, focused on the Puerto Rican market, its Community Microgrids program allows potential local sellers and buyers of renewable energy, along with developers, financiers and installation companies (EPCs) to “team up” in identifying, funding and building the most compelling projects.

Because of its unique business model, DexGrid delivers on the following key benefits maximizing the community solar model:

  1. It lowers the barriers to access clean, renewable, and resilient energy to households in the mid to lower income levels, at a scale of 10X over the Rooftop solar model.

There are currently over 1.3 million households in Puerto Rico, for which, 70% don’t qualify for rooftop solar financing because of their income levels and lack of credit profile. In a microgrid incubated and developed within the DexGrid platform, users are onboarded into the microgrid primarily because of their physical proximity to the energy generation source rather than their creditworthiness and are much more likely to remain current on their payments because of economic incentives and convenience – making projects much more bankable to sources of financing.

  1. Incubated projects average up to 30% savings on monthly electricity bills to its microgrid members.

Economy of scale reduces the unit cost of renewables purchase, installation and maintenance. The Community Microgrid model assumes a large, centrally located solar generation system serving the needs of nearby businesses and households. Tokenized Energy Credits incentives create additional savings to users.

  1. Each Community Microgrid has its own batteries storage system and dedicated distribution system separate from the unstable electrical grid leading to increased resilience to its members. Much of the electrical down time in the island is currently owed to poorly maintained electrical distribution systems.

  2. Each microgrid developed within the Community Microgrid platform leads to increased community ownership. Each generation, storage and distribution system is anchored by a local business sponsors, leveraging their creditworthiness, access to land and properties, and experienced with project management skills. These sponsors sell their electricity to nearby households, decentralized away from the utility and its multiple points of failure.

  3. DexGrid’s own software development team is composed of locally trained talent, residing in Puerto Rico. All the installation, operations and maintenance of the systems are to be performed by local, operating, qualified professionals.

DexGrid Community Microgrids History

  • accepted into Climate Solutions 1 year ago. 7 people contributed $46 to the project, and $203 of match funding was provided.

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