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Play-to-learn web3 game using NFT poker hands to onboard users into web3 by playing and trading in a fun, engaging environment, now live on multiple networks.

Cryptopoker is a play-to-learn web3 game to help onboard new users to web3 via minting, trading and collecting NFTs.

Cryptopoker is a unique game where you create 5-card poker hands as non-fungible tokens (NFTs) on the blockchain. These NFT hands can then be used to participate in matches against other collectors. As a new player, you are entitled to a complimentary play, allowing you to mint your hands for only the gas cost.

By holding onto your hands, you can engage in games with fellow collectors. ​​Our project addresses the challenge of introducing and onboarding individuals from the web2 (traditional internet) realm into the web3 (decentralised) space through a game that users are already familiar with in the web2 space by just connecting their wallets to mint hands for play.

The adoption of web3 technologies has been sluggish, partly due to the perception that it is mainly embraced by technical enthusiasts, resulting in complex terminologies and applications. Our team recognized that adoption could be accelerated by allowing users to engage in activities they already find enjoyable in the web2 space, such as playing games, while simultaneously learning about web3 concepts.

We believe that “fun” can bring about the adoption of web3 amongst its adopters. As a result, our platform serves as a "play to learn" environment, facilitating a more accessible and engaging transition into the web3 world through fun. We are excited to announce the launch of our Cryptopoker Minter decentralized application (dApp), which is our first hybrid web2/web3 prototype game on the Polygon "mainnet alpha" network and have subsequently deployed to Optimism, Arbitrum and Base.

Cryptopoker History

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