average score over 4 application evaluations

At DCarbon, we are committed to implementing real-world solutions to combat climate change through innovative technology. Our project utilizes IoT devices and a blockchain-based tokenomics model to facilitate and verify carbon offsetting activities.

To date, we have successfully deployed our technology at 9 strategic locations across Vietnam. These installations are primarily focused on our two main initiatives: converting biogas to energy and implementing clean cookstove gasifiers. Through these efforts, we have managed to offset approximately 1,800 tons of carbon.

the Project objective

Biogas Generators

  • Objective: Expand the deployment of biogas generators to 50 new locations across Vietnam and potentially into Laos.
  • Purpose: Convert manure waste into biogas, a renewable energy source used for generating electricity, reducing reliance on non-renewable energy sources and mitigating environmental pollution (mainly methane).
  • Methodology: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1myWfr8Rojf1GTGy2CdogWruIkbH5Mh8h/view?usp=sharing Biogas Generator

Clean Cookstove Gasifiers

  • Objective: Secure funding to provide gasifier clean cookstoves to 200 Red Yao households in northern Vietnam.
  • Purpose: These advanced cookstoves burn biomass more efficiently, emitting no aerosol and much less carbon monoxide, significantly reducing harmful pollutants, improving indoor air quality, and reducing health risks from smoke.
  • Methodology: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1HYP1wF4wu_4bONg-S-NJjX5P8wCgc3bD/view?usp=sharing Gasifier cookstove Certification on our cookstove https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ij6MlZY1NOdRAWuxDugS3uzekRTuT5Vx/view?usp=sharing

Impact Goals

Environmental Impact

  • Carbon Emission Reduction: Both initiatives contribute to significant reductions in carbon emissions by replacing fossil fuels with renewable energy sources. It is estimated 10,000 carbon offset can be minted from 50 biogas generators and 1000 carbon offset from 200 gasifier cookstoves annually.
  • Sustainable Resource Use: Promotes the use of sustainable and local resources, reducing waste and enhancing environmental conservation.

Social Impact

  • Health Improvements: By reducing harmful emissions, the clean cookstove initiative aims to improve the respiratory health and overall well-being of the Red Yao community, especially women who mostly work with cookstoves.
  • Economic Benefits: Access to biogas generators and efficient cookstoves can lower energy costs, provide a more stable energy supply, and reduce time spent on fuel gathering, thereby improving productivity and economic conditions for families. Swine farm in Dak Mil

Scalability and Community Engagement

  • Expansion and Adaptability: The planned expansion into additional locations and possibly into other SEA countries
  • Community Involvement: Engaging local communities in the implementation process helps ensure that the solutions are tailored to meet local needs and are embraced by the people they are intended to help.

DCarbon History

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