$5,148.51 crowdfunded from 3140 people

$16,801.29 received from matching pools

average score over 4 application evaluations
Independent team developing open-source tools to analyze risks and rewards of Defi Liquidity provision, including Uniswap V3 and Perpetual V2 simulators, and network-specific dashboards.

Building ☆ Tools ☆ for the Defi Community

Small independent team creating tools to help Defi Users quantify the risks and the rewards of providing Liquidity to various Defi Protocols.

All our tools are Open-Source and free to use.

Development updates:

Q2 2021 Creation of Uniswap V3 Simulator --> Creation of Polygon Network dashboard (Gas fee calculator) --->

Q3/Q4 2021 Backtester Functionality added to Uniswap V3 Simulator

Q1/Q2 2022 Open source Uniswap V3 Backtester functionality --> Creation of Perpetual V2 Simulator -->

Q4 2022 Support different Network (Optimism, Arbitrum, Polygon, Celo) Backtester improvements

Q3/Q4 2023 Data connection improvements and Source code improvements History

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