Summary: The DeSci Landscape Analysis is the first multidisciplinary research group dedicated to in-depth analysis of the DeSci Space. Support will go towards our current focus of publishing and promotion of the results of Phase 2 of our project. Phase 1 (completed) analyzed the impact Gitcoin Round 15 crowdfunding had on the DeSci ecosystem.
Phase 2 (just finished) expands our work to all DeSci DAOs and is focused on mapping out operations, objectives, milestones, technological infrastructure, community, and funding options.
Phase 3+ (future focus) will build off of our current work to explore more specific social data, DAO growth trends, and other aspects desired by the DeSci community.
For further elaboration on our work: Phase I - Completed The results of a survey from talentDAO and DeSciWorld shed light on the impact Gitcoin Round 15 crowdfunding can have on decentralized science (DeSci) organizations and ecosystem development. We explored these projects and what they achieved using the funds received. Check the results here:
This was the first phase of the DeSci Landscape Analysis, which aims to understand what the decentralized science movement is and what impact it has on the scientific ecosystem.
Phase II - Just finished We surveyed around 50 DeSci teams to expand our understanding of the DeSci ecosystem. Our analysis includes quant and qualitative data about areas of focus and recent milestones, funding alternatives, Web3 use, partnerships, and operations. The results will soon be published in an open-access journal. We'll also present insights in another report and posts in X.
If successful, we could allow cross-pollination between projects and attract new students and researchers to the decentralized science ecosystem. All results will be published accessible to everyone so we can include new voices to further discussions about DeSci. In GR18 we got enough funds to cover our operational costs (thank you all ❤️). The funds we raise in this round will be used for publishing and promotion of this study in events like science congresses or web3 events.
Team: Carolina Menchaca (
Erin Magennis (
Francisco Díaz (
Dr. Lukas Weidener (
A joint effort between talentDAO ( and DeSciWorld (
DeSci Landscape Analysis History
accepted into GG21 DeSci Round 7 months ago.