$162.71 crowdfunded from 24 people

$1,470.45 received from matching pools

average score over 2 application evaluations
Empowering Latin American scientific advancement through blockchain by providing tools, education, and events to tackle issues like deforestation and diabetes while bridging language barriers in DeSci.

Our mission is to become a public good and empower the Latin American scientific community by building a foundation for bridging science and the blockchain ecosystem. DeSci LATAM seeks to spread scientific research by supporting small foundations, scientific organizations, and researchers, giving them visibility and the essential tools to boost their projects. We aim to create a bond with the scientific community through educational spots, events, Twitter spaces, and other platforms. We are committed to addressing a wide range of challenges that affect our society, including deforestation, malnutrition, autism, eating disorders, diabetes, and other pressing issues. We are determined to work collaboratively to overcome these challenges and enhance our quality of life in Latin America. One of our major obstacles is that science and scientific knowledge have become an evolutionary problem, as resources for science in LATAM are relatively scarce or non-existent. That's why we seek to make a social impact with decentralized science, knowledge, and funding resources. Furthermore, scientists are often unaware of this ecosystem and the tools that blockchain can provide. We aim to generate change and expand knowledge so that our region can have a better future. Our project aims to address the critical gap in the current ecosystem by focusing on DeSci in Spanish, making scientific progress more accessible to a wider audience. With most information on decentralized science currently available only in English, language barriers limit access to important scientific knowledge. By spreading DeSci in our languages, we can break down these walls and promote greater scientific collaboration and innovation.

What we have done so far? On December 15th, 2022, DeSciLATAM hosted its inaugural DeSci DAY in Buenos Aires with the participation of leaders from @DeSciWorld, @IberoAm, @GainForestNow, and @CryptoReuMD (Bankless). The event was attended by over 30 guests, and we are grateful to Gitcoin, Quadratic Funding, and our users for making this event possible. You can find the complete talks of our speakers on our YouTube channel at Additionally, in early February, we launched version 1 of the DeSciLATAM website, On March 29th, 2023, DeSciLATAM participated in the first Decentralized Science panel, 'From Open Science to DeSci,' held in Ethereum Rio. That same day, we joined forces with IberoAm, DeSciWorld, Ibmec, and Polygon to inaugurate the first Decentralized Science event, 'DeSci Rio,' held in Brazil. The event featured a diverse range of talks, including The Path to DeSci: why and how, Health and Blockchain, Biotech and Synthetic Biology, The MaraValley Innovation Hub, and Cannabis & Cannabinoids."






Milestones Q1 - First steps

  • Legal advice for trademark registration - Done
  • Legal advice for creating a foundation - Done
  • Connect us with other communities in the region - In progress
  • Continue creating DeSci content in Spanish - In progress
  • First DeSci Event in Argentina - DeSci DAY - Done
  • First DeSci Event in Brazil - DeSci Rio - Done
  • “From Open Science to DeSci” Ethereum Rio - Done
  • First version of our website - Done
  • Networking Ethereum Rio and ETH Samba - Done
  • Start creating content in Portuguese - In progress
  • Trademark Registration
  • Twitter spaces with relevant projects of DeSci Ecosystem
  • Start with the design of the donation platform

Q2 - Setting up the Foundation

  • Foundation register
  • Donation dashboard development
  • Development of our website v2 with more information and our blog
  • DeSci Argentina Event Proposal
  • Collaboration with Ethereum Argentina
  • Twitter spaces with projects and communities around Latam.
  • Create podcast about DeSci in Spanish

Q3 - Keep Building

  • Donation Dashboard development iterations
  • Audits Development
  • Platform development for the scientific community
  • Podcast
  • Curated Articles
  • Twitter spaces with projects and communities around Latam

Q4 - Final step of the year

  • Donation dashboard development iterations
  • Platform development iterations for the scientific community
  • Podcast New Episodes
  • Curated Articles
  • Twitter spaces with projects and communities around Latam
  • Side Event ETH LATAM Honduras (TBD)
  • DeSci Latam Event and Party, December (TBD)

DeSci LATAM History

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