DeSci Youths

$245.65 crowdfunded from 15 people

$1,074.54 received from matching pools

average score over 2 application evaluations
Project Summary: Implement decentralized and regenerative science practices to cultivate a new generation of scientists in Africa and foster digital wellbeing through impact projects focused on healing Earth.

Mission : To nurture the younger generation around movements of change in the next iteration of the web.


1.Scientific brain drain in Africa – Africa is losing vast brain power and practical skills gained through science education, exposure and training.

This is due to the inefficiencies in our academic and research institutions.

  1. Harm posed by digital exposure – A big percentage of GenZ have already caught up with digital advances of web 2 technologies, leaving some with traumas and addiction .


1.Introducing Decentralized science and Regenerative science philosophies and work flows to model the next generation of scientists by allowing students to work on open, distributed, collaborative and impactful projects.

  1. The next digital wellbeing paradigm lies on impact projects arising from the roots of science and regeneration tagging all projects arising from the intersection of Science, regeneration and technology.

We aim to outsource digital wellbeing spaces to nurture our mind, body and soul and connect individuals to Impact projects centered around healing and nurturing our mother Earth, towards our idealistic flourishing vision of vitality.

DeSci Youths History

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