DeSci Youths

$82.00 crowdfunded from 64 people

$340.40 received from matching pools

average score over 1 application evaluations
Empower next-gen citizen scientists in brain drain regions through exposure and onboarding to Decentralized Science, with campus tours in African universities highlighting web 3 tech.

DeSci Youths aims to nurture and empower the next generation of citizen scientists , particularly in regions facing scientific brain drain, by onboarding them into the world of Decentralized Science (DeSci). We will showcase DeSci projects, provide an onboarding space, and conduct campus tours in African universities to evangelize the potential of web 3 technologies and their impact on science and regeneration.

DeSci Youths History

  • accepted into Web3 Community and Education 11 months ago. 64 people contributed $82 to the project, and $340 of match funding was provided.

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