Digital Gaia: A Science-Based Co-Pilot to Defeat Moloch and Regenerate the Planet

$143.70 crowdfunded from 20 people

$4,058.76 received from matching pools

average score over 1 application evaluations
Digital Gaia offers an AI platform for sustainable food and agriculture, aligning stakeholders towards environmental goals by providing transparent, actionable insights to overcome industry trust issues.

The $16 trillion global agri-food system is just beginning the transition to a regenerative future by adopting revolutionary land-use practices to combat the growing environmental crisis.

However, the industry is plagued by Moloch – a system of bad incentives, negative sum games, unhealthy competition, and misaligned incentives that lead to a race to the bottom. This lack of trust and coordination within the system exacerbates the environmental crisis and prevents effective transition strategies.

Digital Gaia presents a transformative solution to this challenge by offering an AI-enabled decision support platform that guides the transition to sustainable food and agriculture. By serving as a trusted co-pilot for decision-makers and a coordinating signal for the industry, Digital Gaia aligns stakeholders towards a common goal of sustainability. Harnessing the boundlessness of the digital world, the platform provides accurate, transparent, and actionable insights that foster collaboration, coordination, and positive sum games.

As we enter the data-driven digital revolution, Digital Gaia capitalizes on the unlimited resource base offered by the digital realm, enabling the growth of new, organic structures built on common interests and coordination efforts. By defeating Moloch and its destructive dynamics, Digital Gaia empowers the agri-food industry to embrace a sustainable future, mitigating climate change, and ensuring long-term food security.

By leveraging advanced generative AI, Large Land Models, and large language models like ChatGPT, Digital Gaia delivers fully-provenanced data and intelligence to guide the agri-food industry towards high-impact transition strategies. This integration of cutting-edge technology facilitates trust, transparency, and collaboration, ultimately dismantling the destructive influence of Moloch and enabling a brighter, sustainable future for our planet.

By securing a Climate Solutions Grant from the passionate web3 community, Digital Gaia aims to accelerate the development and adoption of its platform, maximizing its positive impact on the climate crisis. The grant will enable us to:

  • Expand our data sources and improve the accuracy and reliability of our LLM, reinforcing our role as a trusted coordinating signal for the sustainable agriculture transition.
  • Grow our global Open science network by an order of magnitude
  • Collaborate closely with other leaders in the Gitcoin climate solutions community to improve coordination and interoperability between our solutions
  • Enhance the user experience by further integrating ChatGPT and other AI technologies for seamless communication and interaction, strengthening the co-pilot experience for users.
  • Establish strategic partnerships with landscape-level project developers, environmental marketplaces, and exchanges to broaden our customer base and drive adoption, fostering collaboration and coordination across the industry.
  • Develop educational resources and workshops to raise awareness of sustainable agricultural practices and promote the use of Digital Gaia's platform.

With the support of the Climate Solutions Grant, Digital Gaia will catalyze the transition to sustainable agriculture, mitigating climate change and securing a resilient future for our planet. Together, we can harness the power of cutting-edge AI technology to drive meaningful, lasting change in the agri-food industry and beyond, with Digital Gaia serving as a trusted co-pilot for decision-makers and a unifying coordinating signal for the sector.

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Digital Gaia: A Science-Based Co-Pilot to Defeat Moloch and Regenerate the Planet History

  • accepted into Climate Solutions 1 year ago. 20 people contributed $144 to the project, and $4,059 of match funding was provided.

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