diosdao.xyz by Mycelia : Indigenous Public Goods for Global Coordination

$3,673.89 crowdfunded from 51 people

$3,527.62 received from matching pools

average score over 3 application evaluations
Collaboration with indigenous leaders and web3 entrepreneurs to create cross-cultural solutions, legal engineering for a digital sovereign jurisdiction, and regeneration efforts for the future, leveraging indigenous legitimacy.

What about new legal public goods where indigenous leaders, web3 entrepreneurs, global makers can come together to address the metacrisis, propose cross-cultural solutions, and regenerate the world for future generations? 


  • Indigenous mindset is a "metasolution mindset", powered with web3 it becomes the collective action mindset. How to bridge the two?;
  • R&D on the relation between web3 & indigenous communities through live/interviews/reports and create education contents about web3 (Green/Red teaming);
  • Legal engineering of new legal primitives. End goal: creating a legal sovereign jurisdiction not territorially bound, adapted to the web3 reality and digital community;
  • As Vitalik Buterin wrote, the most important scarce resource is legitimacy: let's foster collective action from the intrinsic legitimacy of indigenous peoples.

Web3 is becoming day after day, the central activity of many people's lives, and this new journey is calling for a more open, digital and global frame that reduces legal risk, creates a safe environment for experimentation, and incentivizes high iteration to bring this technology to its full potential of creativity. In this context, the indigenous partners of Mycelia want to make a proposition to the web3 community: the creation of a legal sovereign jurisdiction planetary bound based on their right to self-determination, sovereignty, and natural legitimacy. 

diosdao.xyz attends to explore this proposition by mapping indigenous rights in the digital age, connecting cross-cultural stakeholders, and developing prototypes for the creation of a digital sovereign jurisdiction planetary bound. 

Substack : Decentralised Indigenous Organisations (DIOs) - A series on the importance of having new indigenous institutions powered by Web3 technologies to address the metacrisis;

Indigenous Mindset: a Metasolution Mindset ?

The Indigenous mindset refers to the traditional way of thinking, perceiving, and relating to the world that is characteristic of many indigenous communities around the globe. 

  • Facing the biodiversity of Indigenous realities, it is definitely impossible to make generalizations or compare a community with another one, nevertheless, there are some core values based on intrinsic values to all life historically shared by many of them, and can be defined as "Indigenous Mindset".
  • Indigenous cultures are often grounded in a holistic vision that sees the world interconnected and highly values community, interdependence and common good over individual achievement or personal gain.
  • In addition, indigenous approaches often prioritize long-term thinking and planning, recognizing that decisions made today will have impacts for future generations, in the continuum of the multi-game of evolution.

This perspective can provide guidance for addressing interconnected challenges, such as the metacrisis, recognizing that solutions to complex problems must consider the relationships between different parts of the system and the impacts of any intervention on the whole, rather than a collection of separate parts — a metasolution mindset.

Besides the natural legitimacy coming from this mindset, Indigenous Peoples have a legal legitimacy coming from the UNDRIP, 2007:

  • The right to ‘freely determine their political status and freely pursue their economic, social and cultural development’ (Article 3). 
  • The right to ‘determine their own identity or membership in accordance with their customs and traditions’, as well as to ‘determine the structures and to select the membership of their institutions in accordance with their own procedures’ (Article 33).

Scaling up indigenous mindset, natural legitimacy and human rights by exploring the possibility of new indigenous institutions inclusive to all — since in some way we are all indigenous to Earth.

New Frontiers : Laws of Earth

A jurisdiction is the ‘power, right, or authority to interpret and apply the law’. 

In today's world, jurisdiction is usually attached to the concept of Nation-States territory bound and this situation creates the multipolar-trap as we know it. A non-sense exacerbated by an increasingly interconnected, cross-borders and digital reality.

In this context, expanding the sovereignty of indigenous peoples in the digital age would open new types of independant jurisdictions not territorially bound and complementary to the status quo.

diosdao.xyz will be the first DAO experimentation powered by indigenous peoples to map their rights in the digital age and see how new legal primitives can be engineered to propose legal public goods for the web3 economy. 

From this experimentation, we will explore the Laws of Eartha legal public good commonly created by a convergence of values within the Indigenous Mindset. An open jurisdiction (towards an open society?) that we can apply to positive web3 applications.

To map this proposition, we will : 

  1. Organize meetings and working groups (WGs) with indigenous leaders from all around the world to explore the Laws of Earth, and how they can foster the emergence of new legal public goods

  2. Do extensive R&D on Indigenous Rights in the digital age: 

    • UNDRIP research/report;
    • ILO C.169 research/application;
    • Other international text and jurisprudence;
    • Contacting indigenous lawyers;
    • Contacting existing indigenous jurisdictions and new experiments like the Catawba Digital Economic Zone, an economic zone created in the United States, based on indigenous sovereignty.
  3. Contact web3 law engineers and see what is the need for the space contextualized in the Laws of Earth (such as @lexDAO, @blockchainGov, @lawofcode).

    • DAO Liabilities;
    • ReFi/DeFi framework in the context of open jurisdictions;
    • Privacy tech safe haven; 
    • Jurisdiction arbitrage for the digital age;
    • CoordiNation LL1 —  a Legal Layer 1 for new coordination mechanisms?;

All R&D/materials/reports will be in free and open access for anyone interested in this topic. The goal is to enable indigenous peoples to reveal their real forces in the digital age. 

Proof of Concept : A Mycelium of Possibilities

From R&D, interviews and meetings, diosdao.xyz will design new legal primitives to be implemented by Mycelia : a Proof of Concept where the first builds the proof, and the lastest applies the concept. 

Here is an example of what this open legal playground could look like (oversimplified). 

For instance Web3 projects would apply to become members to this new legal space, explaining their projects. Once approved by the ecosystem of DIOs, the project is in turn entitled DIO and obtains all the benefits from this jurisdiction. 


Benefits for Web3 members

  • Minimalist, flexible and inclusive legal framework based on Indigenous sovereignty;
  • Encouraging high iterations of experimentations (around jurisdiction prototypes too);
  • DeFi legal framework for LPs, stakings, swapping and so on;
  • Belonging to a meaningful jurisdiction planetary bound that collectively care for future generations, and brings a positive image for the whole web3 space;
  • Privacy-tech friendly (a safe haven for the Dark-Forest of web3);
  • Positive communication for any project being labeled DIO, as it means being recognised by indigenous organizations as a positive impact project for Earth;
  • CoordiNation LL1, a Legal Layer 1 for future social organization experimentation?  

For instance, in today's world, a DAO without legal personality may exist to a limited extent. It can use the decentralized online environment to operate and transact, but it can no longer enter into legal relationships in the traditional world. We could overcome these challenges with an open jurisdiction that will protect the DAO community from a legal reclassification and, in mid-term, create connections to operate in the traditional world (not to exit the current system but to communicate with it from another viewpoint).

Benefits for Indigenous Peoples

  • Reinforcing agency and leadership at global scale;
  • Respecting & revitalizing indigenous rights in the digital age;
  • Improving legal sovereignty, right to self-determination and autonomy of indigenous communities
  • Preserving cultural heritage and languages through blockchain technology; 
  • Creating new stream of capitals to fund local projects, preserving traditional culture & regenerate lands;
  • Opening new space of co-creation between indigenous and web3 communities;
  • Technological/Web3 education and awareness in the digital age for indigenous communities (privacy, decentralization...); 

For instance, having this jurisdiction in place could enable indigenous peoples to have access to decentralized tools and new forms of value exchange (ReFi) that are more aligned to their mindset than fiat currency while creating value directly from their culture like indigenous NFTs (and not the other way around).

Symbiosis : A Biodiversity of Solutions

  • Creating a positive-framework solutions oriented to address the metacrisis
  • Opening a biodiversity of new possibilities by bridging indigenous communities and web3 technologies; 
  • Reciprocity in a win-win ecosystem, where abundance mindset nurtured by indigenous culture and web3 creativity will encourage impactful/meaningful entrepreneurship
  • Enabling optionality and plurality by proposing an open creative legal space — a pandora box of experimentation; 
  • Base-layer to imagine new coordination, economics and education mechanisms deeply aligned with life principles.


The funds will be used first to do extensive R&D for the next coming 3 months, with interviews and reports to show our results. 

  • Incentivize WG tasks on R&D, interviews, lives, reports, communication;
  • Support the Oyxabaten Collective, a web3 indigenous project that wants to create educational contents about web3 within indigenous context;
  • Incentivize WG to contact existing indigenous jurisdictions;
  • Incentivize coordination, and communication tasks around our DAO. Thinking about DAOHaus, ZodiacDAO or [HyphaDAO](HyphaDAO](https://hypha.earth/) (soon EVM compatible).
  • Looking for sponsor to co-host a Gitcoin Funding Round on web3 projects related to indigenous communities;


Ideally we are targeting 20k$ to work in flow for the next 3 months. But we will adjust priorities on what is essential if necessary as following : 

  • L1 : 5k€ → R&D — Incentivize WG hourly on research, interviews, live streams to create materials/reports in free access;  

  • L2 : 10k€All the above + Fund Oyxabaten web3 indigenous projects to link our R&D to field experiences; 

  • L3 : 20k€All the above + Incentivize WG on a NFT project in relation with indigenous peoples + scaling communication and educationnal contents on the importance of having indigenous leadership in the digital age +

  • L4 : 20k€+All the above + Looking to co-create with potential sponsors a Gitcoin Funding Grant on web3 projects within the indigenous context + exploring future DIO partnerships.

Having a successful campaign from the QF Funding Round can really help to give a positive signal to indigenous partners who don't need a lot to create a strong momentum around Mycelia.

Genesis & Timeline

Five months after the creation of Mycelia, we are launching with this grant, diosdao.xyz, to focus on legal R&D, meetings, educational contents and communication around open jurisprudence in the digital age based on indigenous sovereignty.

May : 

  • Starting to engage with Indigenous communities to explore Laws of Earth (video-calls, events, live); 
  • R&D of Indigenous rights and sovereignty in the digital age;
  • Enhancing legitimacy by engaging with more and more indigenous communities with the help of the Oyxabaten Collective.
  • Communication about the campaign and R&D initiatives;

June-July : 

  • Continuing to explore the Laws of Earth and find convergence to draft a Paper; 
  • Prospecting from the first R&D with web3 legal engineer to bounce ideas and concepts;
  • Mapping and contacting existing indigenous jurisdiction to create collaboration;
  • Proactively seeking for sponsors to organize our own Gitcoin Funding Round on web3 projects focused towards indigenous peoples; 
  • R&D communication to organize results in a public Gitbook; 
  • Exploring the creation of NFTs to support the proof of concept;

From a law/economic/gamer background, feeling the call to create new narratives with high imagination input, and venture members of Qi Capital. Co-founder of Mycelia with this intention to create a win-win ecosystem between indigenous peoples and the web3 community.  

Twitter: @dagda_uni 

From International Cooperation to Indigenous Communities, Mathilde is set as intercultural coordinator & translator of Indigenous Mindset inside global system and diplomacy. She is the co-founder of Mycelia, FlorestaTV & O Organismo NGO, which aim to connect the Indigenous Voices to the digital world for systemic solutions. 

Instagram: @maah.tribu / Linkedin: Mathilde Everaere 

Creator of the world's first platform for the sale of products and services using fractional NFTs, without the need to store user data. Before that, he was one of the main developers of the first cross-cultural global indigenous cryptocurrency. He has already held positions, such as legal director and DeFi programmer and he is committed to social projects in Brazil in the area of ​​technological education and the environment. 

Linkedin: Fernando Lopes

Using technology as a tool to emit 'the digital cry of nature'. Co-founder of the indigenous Web3.0 Oyxabaten Collective composed of artists, producers and social activists of the indigenous cause who use NFTs to promote the development of the crypto-currency OYX (First Global Indigenous Transcultural Currency).

I use blockchain as my weapon to seek autonomy for indigenous peoples. Flipping crypto currency, using NFTs to show my culture, our value, the importance we have as society, to the world” — Elias Oyxabaten Paiter Suruí

Twitter : @oyxabaten

Doctor of Indigenous Ancestrality of Brazil, parliamentary Assessor for the Belo Horizonte Municipality and first indigenous candidate for Minas Gerais State deputy elections. She is also co-founder of the CMACI, Comite Mineiro de Apoio a Causa Indigena and raised indigenous voice on Rock In Rio 2022 main stage with @Gojiraofficial.

Twitter : @AvelinBuniaca/ Instagram : Avelin Kambiwá

Artist from Brazil interested in the influence of visual language in the transgression of traditional narratives. She has created NFT projects for Oyxabaten, and also engaged on projects with SuperRare.

Twitter : @IamtheAstra

General chief, spiritual healer and traditional singer of Noke Koi People, from the state of Acre, Brazilian Amazonia. He guides Mycelia about the importance of traditional culture and indigenous mindset in the face of global challenges and future horizons.

Stephen Reid is a facilitator, coach and Ruby/Python developer devoted to the flourishing of Life on Earth who has trained in the fields of complexity science, physics, transformative coaching, meditation and plant medicine. Current projects include working with Supermodular on the metacrisis, hosting the upcoming Futurecraft Residency and studying for the UC Berkeley Professional Certificate in Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence.

Twitter : @lunarpunk_0x / Website : https://stephenreid.net/ 

Together with +20 Indigenous Ethnic Groups and local partners on different continents with whom we already had direct contact and discussion about the Rights of Indigenous People in the Digital Era and are in constant relation through international events.


To go further on Indigenous Peoples:

diosdao.xyz by Mycelia : Indigenous Public Goods for Global Coordination History

  • applied to the Web3 Community and Education 1 year ago which was rejected
  • accepted into Metacrisis 1 year ago. 24 people contributed $1,066 to the project, and $3,278 of match funding was provided.
  • accepted into Climate Solutions 1 year ago. 27 people contributed $2,608 to the project, and $250 of match funding was provided.

People donating to diosdao.xyz by Mycelia : Indigenous Public Goods for Global Coordination, also donated to

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