
$201.11 crowdfunded from 84 people

$432.78 received from matching pools

average score over 2 application evaluations
SunnyDao aims to introduce and support both web3 and traditional artists in the Gitcoin and ReFi communities by providing education, social media exposure, and collaborative opportunities, promoting diversity and global growth.

What is SunnyDao and what will it bring to the Gitcoin community? SunnyDao is a foundation that wants to bring web3 artists and non-web3 artists to the Gitcoin community and at the same time support artists and onboard them to the ReFi community. The ReFi community needs more diversity and expertise to truly grow and act on a global scale. The Main Challenge : New artists or non-web3 experienced artists have to start and learn from zero to adapt themselves to complex Web3 and ReFi communities and learn about marketing, networking, teamwork community engagement. all these subjects are new and need a huge amount of time to learn and this fast-growing Web3 space just left them behind. How SunnyDao is fixing these issues?

  • educate artists through Discord, and Zoom calls ( English courses for non-Native English artists, marketing, and team building courses, …)

  • support artists in Twitter and Twitter spaces and other social media ( try to give them the spotlight to be seen ) For example:

  • onboarding to the ReFi community and Gitcoin community with some mutual workshops and courses with other ReFi projects.
  • collaborative collection to help them in sales. For example

The future Funds will be allocated :

  • Branding and Graphic Design
  • ommunity managers and moderators
  • Researcher
  • Purchase goodies and professional instruments.
  • Provide both off-line and online opportunities to encourage others to create impactful art with contests and other giveaway opportunities
  • onboarding artists to carbon negative blockchain like Celo.

SunnyDao History

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