dm3 protocol - the interoperability initiative
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A web3-based messaging protocol offering end-to-end encryption, decentralization, and interoperability by utilizing a registry for communication details and a network of delivery nodes. Open source with an initiative for app integration.

The dm3 protocol is a lightweight messaging protocol based on web3 technology, with a focus on secure end-2-end encryption, decentralization, scalability, and interoperability. The core of the protocol is a registry (dm3-registry) for the relevant communication information such as public keys for encryption and signatures and delivery information. Messages are delivered via a decentralized network of delivery service nodes that serve as a message cache or gateway to another messaging protocol or service.

The dm3 registry is based on ENS, i.e. the dm3 profile is added as a text record to the ENS name.

The aim of dm3 is to suggest a common base standard for web3 messaging, on which further protocols and applications can be built to create a silo-free, secure, self-determined, decentralized messaging ecosystem - based on web3 technology.

This allows users not only to have full control over their data and messages but also to choose the messaging app that best suits their needs and preferences, without the compromise of being limited to a particular ecosystem.

To achieving the goal of building a messaging standard we have launched the Interoperability Initiative: a welcoming invitation to other messaging protocols, dApps and users to integrate dm3 protocol in order to achieve interoperability regardless of your app/protocol of choosing.

Our protocol is open source and we aim to build with the web3 community, so feedback is welcome!

Our latest presentations can be found here:

Our latest implementation:



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dm3 protocol - the interoperability initiative History

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