Earthist Forest Schools - Orman Iyeleri

$75.27 crowdfunded from 54 people

$307.63 received from matching pools

average score over 1 application evaluations
Implementing a forest-based educational program for children and adults, blending cultural tales and practices with ecological learning, and incorporating daily outdoor activities, inclusive camps, sustainable agriculture training, and blockchain-certified participation.


Our initiative tackles the concept of – the right to nature – as a fundamental human right. It addresses the disconnection from nature, the need for ecological awareness, the limitations of traditional schooling, and the necessity for out-of-school education that strengthens our bond with Nature and it’s ecosystems.


The project centers on forest pedagogy for children and a comprehensive masterclass in forest ecology for adults, aiming to revitalize our intrinsic connection with Nature. It involves an innovative fusion approach integrating forest education with local cultural heritage, specifically Anatolian tales and ancient practices, to foster a deep human-nature relationship. The project also explores the contemporary intersection of technology and nature.

Grant Objectives:

Daily Outdoor Education for Children: Conduct daily outdoor educational activities, masterclasses, and games for children aged 5-12 within the forest environment. These activities are designed to be immersive, interactive, and educational, encouraging a deep appreciation and understanding of the natural world.

Inclusive Camps for Children and Adults: Organize inclusive camps for both children and adults, offering tailored training sessions to their respective needs and interests. These camps will offer a comprehensive experience of learning, discovery, and connection with nature while bridging between generations to foster a sense of community and shared purpose.

Natural Farming and Agriculture Training for Children: An essential part of the curriculum will be teaching children about natural farming and sustainable agricultural practices. This hands-on training aims for children to respect for the environment and to help them understand vital connection between the environment, food and human health.

Training for Forest Pedagogy Guides: We will develop a unique training curriculum for educators, aligning with Earthist Network’s approach to forest pedagogy. This will enable the guides to effectively teach and inspire the next generation about the importance of forest ecosystems.

Collaborative NGO Activities: The project will also include collaborations with other NGOs and schools, broadening the scope and impact of our activities. and create educational material & resources for teachers, parents, other educational organizations and policy makers.

Blockchain Integration - Hypercerts for Parents: As a novel feature, we aim to introduce blockchain-based hypercerts for parents, certifying their children's participation in our forest school events. These digital credentials will serve as an unique testament to their children's engagement and learning in our programs that will contribute to the growth of our community.

Earthist Forest Schools - Orman Iyeleri History

  • accepted into Web3 Community and Education 10 months ago. 54 people contributed $75 to the project, and $308 of match funding was provided.

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