Emmanuel Awosika

$63.59 crowdfunded from 20 people

$116.09 received from matching pools

average score over 1 application evaluations
Created web3 educational resources for both technical and non-technical users, focusing on blockchain, crypto adoption, and safety, and enhanced Ethereum.org's content since May 2022.

After developing an interest in web3 in late 2021, and noticing a dearth of information on key aspects of the technology, I set out to make web3 accessible for both technical and non-technical audiences by creating comprehensive and easy-to-understand educational content on blockchain technology. I believe crypto’s adoption depends on the extent to which people know how the technology works, why it matters, and how to remain safe while using it—a belief that underpins my work as a writer focused on crypto infrastructure and security.

Part of my efforts at creating educational content for the crypto community as a public good has included contributing extensively to Ethereum.org—a learning portal for technical/non-technical audiences (developers and users) interested in Ethereum. Since May 2022, I’ve dedicated efforts towards improving the content on Ethereum.org by creating new educational resources, revamping existing pages, and suggesting/implementing improvements related to different aspects of the project.

Emmanuel Awosika History

People donating to Emmanuel Awosika, also donated to

KultureCity campaign supporting individuals with invisible disabilities by creating sensory-accessible spaces and raising awareness through a digital collectible fundraiser.
Volunteered as a Discord/Telegram moderator for Gitcoin, fighting POAP farmers, assisting the community, and proposed a grant review tool for Gitcoin's impact assessment.
Analyzing data to enhance governance and funding for public goods, known for impact metrics on open source and Gitcoin.
Certified legal engineer, LexDAO contributor with experience in web3 dispute resolution, Gitcoin volunteer, Librarian, and project lead for Hats protocol, Gitcoin Passport, and OpenCivics initiatives; championed legal support and quadratic funding concepts in the crypto space.
A platform offering content on crypto from a leftist perspective, addressing socioeconomic impacts and suggesting progressive directions for the blockchain ecosystem.