ETA Academy
average score over 3 application evaluations
Establish a ZK benchmarking framework and security for cross-chain bridges, develop ZK developer tools, and promote ZK education and ecosystem through educational content, CTF competitions, and community engagement.
  1. Introduction ETA Academy is dedicated to zero-knowledge proofs (zk) with Web3.0 security, committed to public welfare and high-tech education for children and people. This project aims to establish a benchmarking framework for Zero-Knowledge and cross-chain bridges, inspired by L2beat. It involves researching existing bridges, identifying attack vectors, and categorizing vulnerabilities to enhance security. Additionally, the project aims to cultivate a vibrant ZK developer ecosystem by developing developer tools and showcasing real-world ZK applications across various domains. Overall, it seeks to create a more secure and innovative ZK ecosystem.

  2. Project Description 2.1 Problem Statement Despite the innovation ZK and cross-chain bridges bring, security concerns linger. ZK grapple with complex cryptographic proofs and potential vulnerabilities, while relying on a trusted setup ceremony that can be a single point of failure. Additionally, limited post-quantum security and scalability trade-offs for security present challenges. Cross-chain bridges face their own issues due to the complexity of managing different blockchains, vulnerabilities in locking and minting assets, dependence on potentially manipulable oracles, and the ever-present risk of smart contract exploits. Both technologies are relatively new, leaving less time for thorough testing and audits, and the evolving threat landscape demands constant vigilance to stay secure.

Performance Issues Complexity of ZK Proofs: The complexity of generating and verifying ZK proofs can lead to performance bottlenecks, especially in resource-intensive applications. This complexity arises from the need to ensure that proofs are both valid and computationally efficient. Server-Side Bottlenecks: Identifying and resolving server-side bottlenecks is crucial for optimizing the performance of ZK applications. This involves monitoring CPU load, IO times, and memory usage to pinpoint areas for improvement, such as optimizing database queries or external service calls. Client-Side Performance: Ensuring smooth client-side performance is also essential. This includes optimizing the rendering of UI components, managing memory efficiently, and implementing render￾on-demand strategies for handling large datasets. Security Concerns Soundness Bugs: The discovery of soundness bugs in ZK circuits, highlights the critical importance of thorough testing and auditing of ZK proofs. These bugs can compromise the security of applications by allowing malicious actors to produce invalid proofs that are accepted by verifier smart contracts. Hardware Acceleration: While hardware acceleration can significantly improve the performance of ZK proofs, it also introduces new security considerations. Ensuring that hardware-accelerated ZK operations are secure and resistant to side-channel attacks is a critical challenge. Usability and Developer Tooling Developer Experience: Enhancing the developer experience is crucial for widespread adoption of ZK technologies. This includes providing comprehensive documentation, tutorials, and tooling that simplifies the development process. The availability of libraries and tools for ZK development, such as Circom for circuit compilation and Snarks for ZK-SNARKs implementation, is essential. Integration Challenges: Integrating ZK technologies into existing blockchain ecosystems and applications can be challenging. This involves ensuring compatibility with existing tools, libraries, and protocols, as well as addressing the technical and economic challenges of scaling blockchain networks. 2.2 Proposed Solution This project aims to establish a comprehensive framework for publicly accessible and easy-to￾understand security and risk benchmarks for ZKRs (Zero-Knowledge Rollups) and cross-chain bridges, inspired by the user-friendliness of L2beat. Here's how we'll enhance ZK security and bridge safety: Benchmarking Framework Development Research and Analysis: We'll delve into the characteristics of existing bridges, including verification methods, communication models, and functionalities. This analysis will inform the creation of ourbenchmarking framework. Attack Vector Identification: We'll proactively identify potential attack vectors that malicious actorscould exploit in ZKRs and bridges. This will help developers anticipate and mitigate future threats. Vulnerability Categorization: By analyzing reported cross-chain bridge attacks, we'll categorize them into distinct vulnerabilities. This classification system will improve understanding of common security weaknesses. Beyond Benchmarks: A Thriving ZK Ecosystem In addition to the benchmarking framework, we also envision a vibrant ZK developer ecosystem: Enhanced Developer Tools: We'll develop a suite of developer tools to streamline the ZK development workflow. These tools will encompass functionalities like circuit building, proof generation, verification, and seamless integration with applications and smart contracts. ZK Applications Showcase: We'll showcase real-world use cases for ZK proofs across various domains, including Decentralized Finance (DeFi), privacy-preserving transactions, gaming, identity management, and more. This will inspire innovation and demonstrate the vast potential of ZK technology. By combining a robust benchmarking framework with developer-centric tools and real-world application exploration, this project aims to create a foundation for a more secure and thriving ZK ecosystem. 2.3 Deliverables To empower a new generation of ZK developers and users, we'll create a series of educational resources. The project will deliver a suite of resources designed to empower both ZKR and bridge developers and users. Open-Source Security Libraries and Code Resources: We'll develop open-source security libraries specifically designed for ZKR and bridge development. These libraries will include pre-built functions and modules that address common vulnerabilities, allowing developers to easily integrate security best practices into their projects. We'll develop open-source code resources to equip ZKR and bridge developers with the tools they need to build more secure systems. These resources will directly address the identified vulnerabilities and promote best security practices. Interactive Tutorials and Documentation: We'll create comprehensive and user-friendly tutorials and documentation that guide developers through the process of utilizing the benchmarking platform, security libraries, and best practices for building secure ZK systems and bridges. ZK Fundamentals Online Course: We'll develop a comprehensive online course that demystifies the core concepts of ZK technology, including:

  • ZK proof systems and their underlying cryptography
  • Security models and threat vectors in ZK
  • Applications of ZK proofs in various domains These tutorials will guide users through the process of building basic ZK circuits and proofs. ZK Security Best Practices Guide: We'll create a comprehensive guide outlining best practices for secure ZK development. This guide will cover topics such as secure circuit design, vulnerability mitigation strategies, and code auditing techniques. ZK Audit Service: We'll offer (or partner with established providers for) ZK smart contract audits. These audits will identify potential security vulnerabilities in ZK systems and bridges, helping developers build more robust and trustworthy applications. Capture the Flag (CTF) Competitions: We'll host regular CTF competitions focused on ZK security. These competitions will challenge participants to identify and exploit vulnerabilities in simulated ZK systems, fostering a culture of security awareness and bug-hunting expertise within the ZK developer community. Community Forum: We'll establish a dedicated online forum where developers and users can discuss security challenges, share knowledge, and collaborate on building a more secure ZK ecosystem.
  1. Impact on the Ethereum ZK L2 Ecosystem This project aims to significantly contribute to the growth and development of the Ethereum ZK L2 ecosystem by focusing on several key areas: 3.1 Enhanced Security and Trust Our benchmarking framework and vulnerability database will equip developers with the tools to identify and address potential security vulnerabilities in ZK systems and bridges. This will lead to more secure ZK L2 solutions, fostering greater trust among users and encouraging wider adoption. By promoting the development of secure and efficient ZK L2s, our project will contribute to the overall scalability and transaction processing capacity of the Ethereum network. This will benefit all ZK L2 solutions within the ecosystem. Open-source security libraries will streamline the development process for ZK L2 builders, allowing them to focus on core functionalities and innovation rather than reinventing the wheel for security measures. 3.2 Boosted Developer Adoption and User Experience Our comprehensive educational resources, including online courses and interactive tutorials, will lower the barrier to entry for new developers and attract a wider talent pool to the ZK L2 space. A thriving community forum will facilitate knowledge sharing, collaboration, and problem-solving among ZK L2 developers, accelerating innovation and development. By making security risks and vulnerabilities easier to understand through our user-friendly benchmarking platform, users will be better equipped to make informed decisions about interacting with ZK L2 applications. This fosters a more positive user experience and builds trust within the ecosystem. Developer Community and Shared Resources: The educational resources, community forum, and CTF competitions will create a vibrant developer ecosystem that benefits all ZK L2 projects. Developers working on different ZK L2s can learn from each other, share best practices, and collaborate on security challenges. By fostering a culture of security awareness, providing valuable educational resources, and streamlining the development process, this project will empower developers and inspire innovation within the Ethereum ZK L2 ecosystem. This, in turn, will lead to more secure, scalable, and user￾friendly ZK L2 solutions, ultimately paving the way for wider adoption and a robust future for the Ethereum network.
  2. Project Development 4.1 Current Stage Our project is currently in a work-in-progress stage, actively building the foundation for a comprehensive ZK security ecosystem. Here's what we've accomplished so far: Infrastructure Established: We've set up a dedicated GitHub repository to house our code, research findings, and educational materials. This fosters transparency and collaboration within the ZK community. Building Brand Awareness: We've established a Twitter presence to share updates, engage with the ZK community, and disseminate information on ZK security. Solid Research Foundation: We've delved into the core cryptographic concepts underpinning ZK technology, including Elliptic Curve Cryptography, zk-proofs, and prominent ZK SNARK constructions like PLONK, Halo 2, ZK￾SNARK, and ZK-STARK. This strong research foundation informs all aspects of our project. Educational Content in Progress: We've begun crafting a series of educational lessons to demystify ZK technology for a broader audience. These lessons will cover various topics essential for understanding ZK security. Deep Dive into Security: We're conducting in-depth research on the security vulnerabilities of the ZK ecosystem, focusing on ZK rollups and bridges. This comprehensive approach will identify potential risks and guide the development of robust security solutions. Early Stage Development: We've initiated the development process for ZK systems, laying the groundwork for tools and resources that will empower developers to build secure ZK applications. This initial groundwork establishes a solid foundation for our project's future direction. Moving forward, we'll leverage our research findings to develop the benchmarking framework, vulnerability database, security libraries, and other deliverables outlined in our proposal. 4.2 Timeline Provide a realistic timeline for project completion, outlining key milestones and deliverables. This timeline outlines key milestones and deliverables for the first year of the project, with a focus on establishing core resources and fostering community engagement. Q1 Milestones Finalize educational lesson outlines: Define the scope and structure of each lesson within the ZK curriculum, focusing on development of bridges and L2 zk. Establish core research findings: Conclude initial research on ZK security vulnerabilities in rollups and bridges. Audit and Security teams: To establish a leading ZK audit and security team that provides comprehensive and high-quality services to the blockchain industry. To develop security best practices and conduct pilot audits and CTFs to enhance bridge security. Research and implement advanced SNARK constructions (e.g., zk-STARKs) for improved scalability. Develop initial security library prototypes: Begin development of core functionalities for open-source security libraries. Basic building blocks for the open-source security libraries. Q2 Milestones Develop core functionalities of educational lessons: Begin building interactive elements and content for the online lessons. Beta versions of online lessons is the functional prototypes of the online lessons for user testing and feedback. Refine research and finalize security vulnerabilities report: Conclude research phase and finalize the report on ZK security vulnerabilities. Comprehensive report outlining identified vulnerabilities and potential mitigation strategies. Audit and Security teams: Comprehensive audits of ZK-based systems and bridges, including smart contracts, protocols, and cryptographic implementations. Advisory services on security best practices for ZK development and deployment. Develop core functionalities of security libraries: Complete core functionalities for the open-source security libraries. Functional open-source security libraries (v1.0): Initial release of the open-source security libraries with core functionalities. Q3 Milestones Pilot launch of online lessons and gather user feedback: Launch a limited version of the online lessons to a focused audience and collect feedback for improvement. Audit and Security teams: Workshops and training sessions on ZK security for developers and auditors. Educational resources and tutorials on ZK cryptography and security concepts. Awareness campaigns to promote security best practices in the ZK community. Develop initial benchmarking framework prototype: Begin building the core functionalities of the ZK security benchmarking platform. Q4 Milestones Refine online lessons based on user feedback: Incorporate user feedback and our experiences in Audtis and CTFs to enhance the ZK online curriculum. Improved online lessons (v2.0)is the second iteration of the online lessons incorporating user feedback. Develop additional functionalities of the benchmarking framework: Expand the functionalities of the ZK security benchmarking platform. Host the first ZK security competition: Organize and execute the inaugural Audits and CTFs competition to engage the ZK developer community. The competition results and analysis are reports on the results and learnings from the first ZK security CTF competition. Enhanced benchmarking framework prototype: An expanded prototype with additional functionalities for the ZK security benchmarking platform. CTF competition results and analysis: Report on the results and learnings from the first ZK security CTF competition. 5 Development Team We are a research organization composed of Master's and PhD students with expertise in mathematics, cryptography, AI, and computer science who are passionate about zero-knowledge technology. While our long-term goal is to contribute to all areas in the ZK wishlist, our immediate focus for the next 6 to 12 months is on two key areas:
  • Publicly accessible and easy-to-understand security and risk benchmarking for ZKRs and
  • bridges (à la L2beat) ZK libraries and developer tooling To achieve our goals, we are partnering with a major Chinese communities: WTF Academy. WTF Academy
  • WTF Academy's Solidity course is ranked #2 in the GitHub Solidity repository.
  • It has trained nearly 10,000 developers in introductory and advanced courses.
  • It is developing new ZK courses and has translated its courses into English, Spanish, and other languages.
  • It is the largest Chinese Web3 education platform. Team Expertise
  • Mathematics: Our team members have a deep understanding of the mathematical foundations of
  • zero-knowledge proofs, including elliptic curve cryptography, homomorphic encryption, and zkSNARKs.
  • Cryptography: We have extensive experience in designing and implementing secure cryptographic protocols and systems.
  • AI: We are proficient in applying machine learning and artificial intelligence techniques to improve the efficiency and scalability of ZK systems.
  • Computer Science: We have strong software development skills and experience in building highperformance and reliable software systems. By combining our expertise with the resources and support of our partner communities, we are confident in our ability to make significant contributions to the advancement of ZK technology.
  1. Budget Budget Breakdown: $20,000 USD Given a budget of $20,000 USD, here's a possible breakdown of expenses: Personnel (60%): $12,000 USD This allocation will be used to compensate team members for their time and effort dedicated to the project. The specific allocation per team member will depend on their expertise, experience level, and time commitment.
  • Part-time developer stipend
  • Compensation for research fellows (Masters or PhD students)
  • Honorariums for guest speakers or consultants (optional) Development Tools & Resources (20%): $4,000 USD This allocation covers expenses related to software licenses, cloud computing resources, online collaboration tools, and other development-related needs.
  • Open-source software licenses (if applicable)
  • Cloud storage or server costs (if needed for specific tools)
  • Project management software subscriptions
  • Online collaboration tools (e.g., communication platforms, code repositories) Marketing & Outreach (10%): $2,000 USD This allocation supports efforts to raise awareness of the project and engage with the ZK community.
  • Website development and maintenance
  • Content creation (e.g., blog posts, social media graphics)
  • Online advertising (limited budget)
  • Conference registration fees (if presenting research) Miscellaneous (10%): $2,000 USD This allocation covers unforeseen expenses or additional needs that may arise throughout the project year.
  • Legal and administrative fees (if applicable)
  • Hardware upgrades (if essential)
  • Travel expenses (limited budget for essential project-related travel)
  1. Application Materials We believe that our active presence on social media and our well-organized GitHub repository demonstrate our commitment to the ZK community and our dedication to advancing ZK technology. Twitter: Twitter handle: @ETAAcademy Bio: ETA Academy is dedicated to zero-knowledge proofs (zk) with Web3.0 security, committed to public welfare and high-tech education for children and people. GitHub: GitHub repository: @ETAAcademy Description: Resources for ZK proofs, including tutorials, research materials, curated project lists, and developer tools. Subdirectories: ETAAcademy-Rust: This repository is one of the collection of meticulously crafted tutorials designed to guide learners from the ground up in mastering the core concepts, languages, research, circuits, Web3.0 security, and development practices of ZK technology. Developed by a passionate group of ZK enthusiasts, these tutorials focus on zk as the central pillar and encompass various aspects:
  • Language: Building ZK proofs using the Rust programming language.
  • Research: Exploring cutting-edge advancements in ZK technology.
  • Circuits: Designing and constructing efficient ZK circuits.
  • Web3.0 Security: Understanding the applications of ZK in Web3.0 security.
  • Development: Building real-world applications with ZK technology ETAcademy-ZK-Meme: Learn ZK in One Tweet Our #ETAcademyZKMeme initiative condenses complex ZK concepts into daily, one-sentence tweets formatted as memes. With over 50 planned memes, this will be a handy pocket guide for anyone wanting to grasp the ZK basics quickly. You can join the movement by creating your own ZK memes, translating existing ones, or using them to teach others! Help ETAcademy make ZK knowledge a tweet away for everyone. ETAcademy-ZK-Lib-Dev: The GitHub repository is a one-stop shop for everything ZK proofs. Whether you're a ZK newbie or an expert, this curated resource provides a wealth of information, from foundational concepts to advanced topics. Explore the math behind ZK, discover real-world applications, learn about developer tools and libraries, and even dive into discussions with the ZK community – all in one place. ETAAcademy-ZKRs-Bridges: This repository focuses on improving the security of ZK rollups and bridges. It includes research on existing bridges, identified attack vectors, categorized bridge attacks, and code projects to assist developers in building secure systems. ETAAcademy-Audit: This repository provides resources and competition materials for Web3.0 audits, with a focus on ZK security. It includes tutorials, reference materials, sample code, and competition materials. ETAAcademy-CTF: This repository provides resources and competition materials for Web3.0 Capture the Flag (CTF) events, with a focus on ZK security. It includes tutorials, reference materials, sample code, and competition materials.
  1. Conclusion We are confident that ETA Academy will significantly contribute to the advancement of the Ethereum ZK L2 ecosystem. By ETA Academy, we hope to foster a more efficient, secure, and user-friendly ZK L2 environment. Thank you for your consideration.

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