$3,989.65 crowdfunded from 2171 people
$6,875.54 received from matching pools
EAS is an infrastructure public good for making attestations onchain or offchain about anything. Entirely open-source (MIT), tokenless, and free-to-use.
Think of attestations as digital signatures about any type of structured information. They are the atomic unit of building trustful interactions online.
Attestations are opening doors and uniting the industry to build use cases traditionally fragmented and hard to achieve - from creating safe digital identities, ensuring the authenticity of content, setting up voting systems, building reputation systems, proof of X(anything), and beyond. Whenever trust matters in your interactions, attestations are there to assure it.
Simply put, EAS is an infrastructure tool for building a more trustful online world.
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Ethereum Attestation Service History
accepted into Ethereum Infrastructure 1 year ago. 2171 people contributed $3,990 to the project, and $6,876 of match funding was provided.