Ethereum Attestation Service (EAS)
average score over 1 application evaluations
A public infrastructure allowing onchain and offchain attestations, enabling entities to verifiably state facts. Open-source, token-free, and permissionless. Empowering over 2 million attestations.

EAS is a public infrastructure for making onchain and offchain attestations about anything.

Public Good. Open-Source. Token Free. Permissionless.


Attestations are digital signatures on structured data, enabling entities like smart contracts, individuals, or businesses to verifiably state facts about anything, i.e. "I attest this information is valid". We've provided extensive documentation to help you quickly learn more about the core concepts of EAS and attestations.

Attestations serve as a primitive for building more trustful experiences in online and onchain products. With over 2 million attestations made, EAS is empowering developers to create reliable and transparent applications. Since you can attest to almost anything, the use cases and ideas to build are virtually limitless.

Arbitrum Traction

Did you know? The first mainnet deployment of EAS was on Arbitrum 🎉. Here are some standout use cases:

Developer tools from the community

Where we're going next

Our mantra and focus is simple: "Help builders build faster". We are continuously working to improve the developer experience by expanding the protocol's functionality, offering new tools, and creating more comprehensive examples and tutorials. As we grow, your support accelerates the development of EAS and the broader attestation ecosystem, helping to build a more trustful internet.

Ethereum Attestation Service (EAS) History

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