Ethereum Cat Herders
average score over 1 application evaluations
We promote collaboration, transparency, and growth within the Ethereum community by educating developers on network upgrades, improving communication, and supporting initiatives for community engagement and diversity.

As Ethereum Cat Herders (ECH), we aim to promote collaboration, transparency, and growth within the Ethereum community. We focus on educating developers about network upgrades and improving communication within the decentralized ecosystem. Through initiatives like the PEEPanEIP podcast, ECH connects developers with the wider community, ensuring transparency and thorough peer review of proposals. We provide key information through our EIP Editing Office Hour, advocate for public goods with Ecosystem Project Demo, and support community growth through initiatives like Women in Ethereum Protocol (WiEP). Additionally, ECH encourages new contributors and supports vital roles like EIP editors and reviewers.

Ethereum Cat Herders History

People donating to Ethereum Cat Herders, also donated to

Raising funds for a Gitcoin ecosystem project, including Gitcoin promotion, community support on Discord, stewardship duties, and creating a 'Public Goods Portal' with 60% of grant funds.
Securing funding for the Web3 Grants report, involving pre- and post-GCP process discussions, collaborating on a grants metadata standard, and establishing a grants database and application system.
Developing a user interface for the Ethereum Attestation Service to visually represent trust scores, thereby facilitating the adoption of decentralized finance (DeFi) in Latin America.
Bot creates off-chain expense attestations for DAOs and communities, enabling easy tracking and verification of financial resource management without sensitive data exposure, using tech like NodeJS and EthersJS.
Plataforma descentralizada para que "builders" registren y exhiban sus contribuciones a comunidades y proyectos, con atestaciones comunitarias y seguimiento de impacto generacional.