Ethereum Edmonton

$35.60 crowdfunded from 36 people

$71.43 received from matching pools

average score over 1 application evaluations
Ethereum Edmonton aims to build a community of Ethereum enthusiasts in Alberta through regular meetups, promoting learning, networking, and collaboration within the ecosystem in both English and Spanish.

We are Ethereum Edmonton, dedicated to fostering the Ethereum community in the province of Alberta. Our journey began six months ago, as we set out to connect with individuals interested in exploring the Ethereum ecosystem. Our primary aim is to facilitate regular meetups, bringing enthusiasts together to learn, discuss, and engage with Ethereum's rapidly evolving landscape. Our initiative has already gained significant traction, and we are planning to move from monthly meetups to a bi-weekly cadence, catering to both the Spanish-speaking and English-speaking communities.

At our meetups, we delve into a diverse range of topics, including the latest Ethereum developments, upcoming events, groundbreaking news, artistic expressions, and technological advancements. These gatherings serve as crucial platforms for networking, enabling individuals to forge meaningful connections with fellow Ethereum enthusiasts. Upholding the core values of Ethereum, our meetups are designed to be inclusive, welcoming anyone with an interest in the ecosystem.

Our ultimate goal is to empower individuals from various backgrounds to become active participants in the Ethereum ecosystem. By providing a space for learning, collaboration, and idea-sharing, we strive to democratize access to Ethereum's potential. Notably, we envision extending our impact to critical domains like DeFi, ReFi and supporting public goods initiatives. As we continue to grow, we aspire to assist projects that make a positive impact on communities, offering financial aid and resources to drive innovation and change.

Through Ethereum Edmonton, we are forging connections, fostering innovation, and enabling individuals to leverage Ethereum's transformative power. We believe that by strengthening this local Ethereum community, we can collectively contribute to a more decentralized, inclusive, and impactful future

Ethereum Edmonton History

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