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Smart contract deployment and management platform for multiple layer2 blockchains, featuring a user-friendly UI, identical address creation across chains, and a security-focused verification system.


ExplorerX is the ultimate solution for hassle-free smart contract deployment, management, and verification on multiple chains. With a sleek and intuitive user interface, ExplorerX makes multi-chain smart contract management a breeze. The interface is user-friendly and easy to navigate, making it perfect for builders of all skill levels.

One of the most unique features of our application is the ability to create the same address for contracts deployed on different layer2 blockchains.


  • Deploy smart contracts on multiple layer2 blockchains with ease
  • Create the same address for contracts deployed on different layer2 blockchains
  • Explorer section for searching and verifying smart contract addresses
  • User-friendly dashboard for managing and monitoring deployed contracts
  • Comprehensive explorer section to search and view contract details, including transaction details, contract details, code, ABI, and read/write methods

Tech Stack:

  • Polybase for storing smart contract details
  • Gnosis chain for deploying on multiple chains
  • Connext for multi-chain deployment
  • UMA protocol for contract verification
  • React for frontend development


At ExplorerX, security is our top priority. We use the UMA protocol to verify manually added contracts, ensuring the utmost security for your smart contracts. With our easy-to-use verification process, you can quickly and easily verify the authenticity of your smart contracts.

Target Audience

Our target audience includes developers, entrepreneurs, and anyone interested in deploying smart contracts on multiple layer2 blockchains with ease. Whether you're a seasoned developer or a newcomer to the blockchain space, ExplorerX provides the tools and resources needed to streamline your contract deployment process.


We're constantly working on improving and expanding ExplorerX's capabilities. In the near future, we plan to:

  • Add support for additional layer2 blockchains
  • Enhance contract management features
  • Develop a more advanced contract explorer
  • Integrate with popular developer tools and platforms

Stay tuned for updates and join our growing community of blockchain enthusiasts! Visit our website at https://explorerx.vercel.app to learn more and get started today. Join the future of decentralized finance with ExplorerX.

ExplorerX History

Explore projects

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