Fiz: wearable wallets for accessing urban and rural communities
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Development of a privacy-conscious NFC wearable for accessing, participating in governance, and contributing within web3-enabled living communities, with an initial prototype tested in Berlin.

A membership wearable using Arx HaLo NFC chips which allows you show off your co-living community, regenerative village or pop-up city. Tap to book a stay in a neighbouring community, tap to check in and start the onboarding process. More than a key, its your access to contribute, vouch and vote within a network of places that are imagining new ways to live across rural and urban areas.

Supported by the Civic Tech Lab at Dark Matter, we are prototyping hardware and processes for using physical wearables for vouching, governance and property-access in web3-enabled urban and rural communities.

In September 2023 our team received support via the Ethereum Foundation and PSE to develop an initial prototype with Arx HaLo chips. Our initial phase has been the development of a smart door lock and member support package. Later in the year we will be testing governance protocols using physical actions in collective settings.

In the last two years of being involved in the regenerative villages movement, we've found that people don't want to engage through apps and browser extensions, but have a strong desire for physical objects and regular small-scale rituals. This becomes our driving mission for the project.

At our first test community, Moos Space in Berlin, we're developing an NFC membership wearable that allows people who have no prior experience of web3 to securely hold their project tokens, sign for key governance moments in the year, and permission their own door access through a booking platform for events and residential stays. Across 2024 this will enable Moos to increase space-use efficiency while also building a strong identity piece that can be used to visit other communities all over the world.

As a privacy-focused project with multiple existing partners, we can see this as having a secondary benefit of enabling a gamified approach to visiting communities around the world while also being able to represent the unique character of your longer-term tribe through the design of the wearable from that place. If someone has gone through the community onboarding/vouching system within one project then it brings stronger responsibility when they go on to visit other communities as an ambassador. However the wearable shouldn't reveal everything about the holder and their community, so we are starting with partnerships with privacy-focused projects using ZK and intent-centric architectures.

Fiz: wearable wallets for accessing urban and rural communities History

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