Fork Forest

$186.13 crowdfunded from 143 people

$1,161.34 received from matching pools

average score over 1 application evaluations
A ReFi project engaging local Argentine communities in environmental restoration through sold-out NFT collections, native tree planting, and creating value in conservation efforts.


It is a ReFi project that works with web3 tools to serve the values of environmental conservation and social responsibility, in addition to promoting the participation of the local community in the restoration of the environment. Currently working in the province of Córdoba, Argentina. Based on the local territory.

An active presence of the community¹ can be seen in the sold out NFT collection for the first project, the ReFi topic in the DAO's Telegram group and the weekly Twitter/X Spaces in the DAO's account, therefore creating ReFi content in spanish. Fork Forest is currently collaborating with other ReFi projects such as Ekonavi and GainForest.


The first project FORK FOREST 01 was assembled in January 2023 and successfully completed in May². We supported a local organisation called 'Zapam Zucum' by providing means of financiation and tools to link them with the community. We set up an NFT collection³ and sold out. 100% of the money received at our first NFT campaign was directly dripped to 'Zapam Zucum'. We also onboarded 'Zapam Zucum' successfully⁴, so they could open a hot wallet and use the funds without depending on anyone else. Thanks to all the efforts, we succesfully planted 50 native trees in an open reunion with the community and even members of the DAO travelling to be part. Works of ecological conservation were part of the job. It all ended with a festival with local bands at sunset.


For this second project, we are addressing an important problem in Argentina: improper use of agrochemicals. We are addressing the same region as the first project⁵, bonding strongly with the local community.

The region is the Traslasierras Valley in the province of Cordoba, in Argentina. We are working with an Agricultural Engineer who's a High school teacher in a small town called Los Cerrillos. We met Ing. Fernando Parra in our first project, since we purchased native trees from his production. This town is suffering the consequences of the poor use of agrochemicals, and we intend to help.

The project is a forestal curtain composed by native trees around a 10km2 town. Helped by the tools of GainForest, we can also measure all the benefits that a native forest brings to the world, and put value in a formerly forgotten area.

We are aiming to cover the second of the three stages of the forestal curtain. This will take place in early 2024 in a collaboration with the commune of Los Cerrillos⁶ and with the presence and support of INTA⁷ (Argentina's National Institute of Agricultural Technology). Detailed info is in the budget⁸.

Please, stay close to our social networks since as explained in the presentation+budget⁸, the first part of the plantation will be happening at the very same time GG19 is up. It is being 100% funded by what we received at GG18, dripping directly to the local community. We will document the process and share audio, info and videos.









Fork Forest History

  • accepted into Climate Solutions Round 10 months ago. 143 people contributed $186 to the project, and $1,161 of match funding was provided.

People donating to Fork Forest, also donated to

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