$71.08 crowdfunded from 57 people
$292.94 received from matching pools
We have built a pilot project to appeal to audiences from the Indian subcontinent.
For now it consists of a handful of media content tailor made for viewers that speak Hindi.
The objective being to create a scaffolding of information about Web3, cryptocurrencies and blockchains that can support the outreach program of Gitcoin and its many projects that aim to empower builders.
We have created a handful of videos for Youtube and depending on the response from the Gitcoin ecosystem we intend to create more, specific to Gitcoin Passport, Gitcoin Grants Stack and Allo.
India being a potentially endless source of tech proficient youth would benefit greatly from the opportunities that the Gitcoin ecosystem provides in its endeavor to promote growth of Web3 frontiers.
Gitcoin Hindi Media History
accepted into Web3 Community and Education 1 year ago. 57 people contributed $71 to the project, and $293 of match funding was provided.