$562.88 crowdfunded from 177 people

$5,065.31 received from matching pools

average score over 2 application evaluations
Fundraising $10k for migrating Giveth to Arbitrum to support crypto nonprofits & donors with Quadratic Funding, increased UX, and expanded donation options. No fees, direct giving, rewarding donors.

Giveth is empowering nonprofits with web3 tech. We hope to raise $10k to migrate our dapp to Arbitrum, to enable QF rounds & introduce 1000s of crypto-curious nonprofits & donors to Arbitrum.

image Arbitrum and Giveth

Giveth.io is an open source, radically transparent, user-friendly donation platform that allows anyone to open crypto funding portals by creating projects for positive impact, with zero added fees and no intermediaries. Donors are also rewarded for giving to a wide range of projects that cover the field of for-good ventures such as feeding the homeless, funding community currency projects, and promoting planetary well-being. Want to support public goods? It's all on Giveth.io! Projects can be created in minutes; donors can make contributions in seconds.

100% of every donation goes directly to the project, and we reward donors to verified projects (and their referrers) with GIV. Learn more about our GIVbacks program here.

As we blaze into Q4 of 2023, we are delighted to announce some significant updates and future plans.

Major Updates from 2023

  • Built, launched and ran our first Quadratic Funding round on Giveth, raising $21,000 for verified projects.
  • Integrated Gitcoin passport as a “donor uniqueness layer” to support sybil protection during QF rounds.
  • Made major UX improvements to our donation referral program so that users can generate unique referral links to any project or any page on Giveth, without navigating away from the page.
  • Improved our project curation system, allowing GIV stakers to signal support for projects and affect where the project is listed in our default sort within 5 minutes.
  • Launched the Ambassador Program, training individuals to promote our mission locally, onboarding 18+ projects to the Giveth platform in Season 1.
  • Improved the UX of project profiles to include more information about rewards percentages, our zero fee policy and more.

image of the Giveth referral program

Further Goals for 2023

The following is a list of new products, partnerships, and features that we have already begun building or are researching for 2023. Our ability to execute on these goals is dependent on fundraising and the success of our economy, so if you want to support the Future of Giving, please add us to your cart and donate!

In Progress

  • Optimize and improve the performance of our donation application on mobile.
  • Improving our Gnosis Safe integration so DAOs and multisigs can more easily raise funds, manage funds, and donate.
  • Investigate new avenues for enabling fiat donations to projects.

Under Research

  • Build a system for recurring or streaming donations.
  • Develop a “cart” checkout feature to enable bulk transaction donating on Giveth.
  • Account abstraction for projects.
  • Develop Giveth Public APIs.
  • Find an NFT launchpad to partner with to enable our projects to fundraise with NFTs.
  • Build a better project ranking system, integrating impact and project owner assessment.
  • Support projects in launching their own reputation systems to govern their donations as DAOs.

Thank you for helping us Build the Future of Giving. We appreciate your support. We’re all in this together!

Learn More

Giveth History

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