$19.58 crowdfunded from 0 people

Givvie offers Africans a blockchain-based savings platform to combat hyperinflation by allowing them to save in USDC and earn rewards for meeting targets, with penalties for early withdrawal.

Hyperinflation is on the rise in Africa. Givvie is a decentralized savings platform that helps Africans hedge against hyperinflation by leveraging blockchain technology.

Users on Givvie can convert their local currency to the USDC equivalent through USSD, airtime balance, mobile money, or debit card and save their USDC on-chain for their specified duration.

Givvie rewards users who successfully meet their savings target with Givvie Token, which allows them access to on-chain lending protocols, fiat offRamp, and utility bill settlement using their digital assets.

To discourage impulse spending, Givvie only charges users a penalty fee when they break their savings before their specified time.

Givvie History

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