$681.24 crowdfunded from 436 people
$5,769.80 received from matching pools
We have to protect the Green Arks of The Planet
Welcome to the Green Digital Guardians Project
Our mission is to protect the lands through NFT collections supported by a global community of environmental, conscious individuals and organizations in a visionary endeavor: The Preservation of Planet Earth's Green Arks.
We're leveraging cutting-edge technology, including Blockchain and NFTs, to establish a decentralized model for environmental protection that's both supportive and democratic.
Our Goal: Protec Lands Through NFT Collections and give them back to the community through decisions made by the global community of Green Digital Guardians.
We're committed to acquiring and safeguarding vital lands that serve as crucial ecosystems, biodiversity hotspots, and essential carbon sinks. Through the power of Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs), we're revolutionizing the way environmental protection is funded and realized.
How it Works
NFT Collections: We create unique, digital works of art and assets, each backed by a real-world land purchase. These NFTs represent not only your donation, it will give you the posibility to be part of the solution of the Climate Change.
Decentralized Decisions: The ownership of these NFTs is distributed across the donators, ensuring that the protection of these lands is a collaborative effort, and the future desicions about this lands are gonna be taken by everyone who holds a piece of our NFT collections.
Impact: Each land purchase through our NFT sales is a direct investment in the preservation of critical ecosystems. Together, we make a lasting impact on climate change, biodiversity, and the overall health of our planet.
Benefits of holding a NFT of Green Digital Guardian's collections:
- You will receive a unique and exclusive NFTs that will give you the mandate to become a Green Digital Guardian.
- You can visit and enjoy the Green Arks in protection at the time they want it.
- You will have preferential access to Green Arks protected.
- You will have access in real time, to all the surveillance cameras installed in the Green Arks protected.
- You will have access and on real time, to the alarm system, and alerts installed in the Green Arks protected.
- You will be able to report the environmental fact to the community platform, which in turn will connect with government alert systems.
- You will have preferential access and discount in the inscription of the Spiritual Camps.
- You will be able to physically or virtually visit the Green Arks, they can do bird watching, hiking, walking, yoga, taichi, meditation.
- You will have access to different scheduled activities such as: -Sembratons of Water: Increase the flow of water in the green coffers. -Tree Plants: Native trees and fruit trees for the Green Arks.
- You will have access to the Bedroom Arks that will be built in the Green Arks selected (These reservations will be managed through a calendar defined by the entire holders of a Green Digital Guardian's NFT, administrative fees are not included).
GG18 Review
Grant Awarded:
- General Round: 779 DAI
- Latam Round: 2,154 DAI Total Awarded: 2,933 DAI
Budget Expended:
- Marketing and Social Media: Monthly budget for six (6) months runaway.
- Budget: US 1,200
- Nov 2nd Activity: “Descubre con ReFiMedellin, Platohedro, GDG, Salvaterra y MercadoNFT el Futuro de las Criptomonedas en Metapool!” (This is a mandatory activity of the Sponsor Round Meta Pool)
- Logistics: US 200
- Onboarding: US 200 Total Expended: US 1,600
Planned Activities:
- Savings funds for the launch of the collection in the correct timing:
- Budget: US 1,300 Total Planned: US 1,300
Total Expended + Planned: US 2,900
More info:
Green Digital Guardians History
accepted into Glo Dollar x Arbitrum DAO 1 year ago.
accepted into Web3 Community and Education 1 year ago. 92 people contributed $120 to the project, and $557 of match funding was provided.
accepted into Meta Pool LatAm GG18 1 year ago. 71 people contributed $122 to the project, and $2,150 of match funding was provided.
applied to the Climate Round 1 year ago which was rejected
accepted into Climate Solutions Round 1 year ago. 147 people contributed $217 to the project, and $1,566 of match funding was provided.
accepted into Web3 Community and Education 1 year ago. 113 people contributed $168 to the project, and $779 of match funding was provided.
accepted into Climate Solutions 1 year ago. 13 people contributed $55 to the project, and $718 of match funding was provided.