average score over 3 application evaluations



GreenChain is a web-app that allows crypto users and businesses to measure their carbon footprint on the Ethereum network. Connect your wallet and the platform measures the CO2 emissions from your transactions history. It's also an educational hub about sustainability in blockchain and web3 space, with user specific advices on how to minimize your CO2 impact.

Use cases

- Implement blockchain technology to track the origin, authenticity, and use of carbon credits.
- Provide transparent reporting of a company's carbon footprint and reduction efforts over time. 
- Encourage companies to source renewable energy and provide a "green score" system.
-  Offer consultancy or partnerships with environmental experts to help businesses set and achieve realistic and impactful reduction targets.

UX Flow

- GreenChain: Know the impact of blockchain and cryptocurrencies on CO2 emissions
- Check your carbon footprint on the Ethereum network
	○ View the CO2 emissions and current-consumption of your latest 10 transactions.
	○ What could have been if you used greener cryptocurrencies
	○ What is today's cost for 1 transaction with different cryptocurrencies
	○ Tips for minimizing your impact on CO2 emissions with cryptocurrencies
- Educate about cryptocurrencies eco-friendly initiatives
- Initiatives to offset personal carbon emissions
- Donate us crypto and we can offset your carbon emissions
- Education Hub to dive deeper
- Future implementations

GreenChain Development

I started working on this project in Oct23 for a web3 hackathon:

I continued working on it as a side project and currently building the MVP platform with bubble-io.

GreenChain History

People donating to GreenChain, also donated to

Development of Atlantis Citizen App for impact measurement in social and green projects, with successful pilot in India and plans for expansion.
Researching and developing a fungible token with symbolic value, using concepts from Buddhism and interactive token displays; aim to deploy an example and create open source smart contracts.
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