Greenpill Los Angeles

$103.33 crowdfunded from 49 people

$356.35 received from matching pools

average score over 3 application evaluations
GreenPill chapter based in Los Angeles focused on supporting local public good organizations both with volunteering and bringing Regen tools like QF.

We’re a group of regen individuals focused on impacting Southern California communities.


Greenpill Los Angeles is creating synergy around regenerative activities, local communities, and educational institutions in Southern California. We’ve been actively working on urban reforestation with an emphasis on native plants and engaging local universities to advance regen learning for young adults.


The proceeds earned will go towards the following:

  • Meetup Events - Funds to pay for hosting meetups in person to strengthen collaboration and engage with local community projects.
  • Gardening Material - Tools and material from soil to pots to support our urban reforestation project with Silvi Protocol making it easier to nurture and grow plants.

Greenpill LA X Silvi Protocol

Monarch Milkweed Restoration

Restoring monarch population with native milkweed

Monarch Milkweed

As part of our project with Silvi we focused on native plants that could have the most impact in restoring and strengthening ecosystems. Through that exploration we learned about the Western monarch crisis and their need for native milkweed species to restore populations. We have now started to germinate over 100 milkweeds in both outdoor and indoor environments with plans to transfer in a couple weeks.

Milkweed Seed Packets

Milkweed Planting Trays Outside

Types of impact:

  • Monarch Repopulation - Providing Western Monarch with milkweed to plant and hatch their eggs.
  • Plant Pollination - Attracting pollinators from bees to butterflies nurturing environments they’re planted in.
  • Native Planting - Growing native flower helping increase the amount of native fauna and strengthen native ecosystems.

Sagebrush Mudslide Prevention

Planting Sagebrush for bank stabilization to prevent mudslides


When identifying what native plants to grow we wanted to grow one that is friendly for urban environment and has utility such as preventing mudlsides.. A plant that stood out was the California Sagebrush an easy to grow plant that help strengthen ecosystems from bank stabilization to plant cover. We have started to germinate over a 100 seeds with plans to transfer in a couple months.

Sagebrush Planting Containers Outside

Types of impact:

  • Bank Stabilization - Helping to strengthen the soil in banks and prevent mudslides after heavy rain.
  • Plant Canopy - Providinhg cover for the ground helping to protect the soil and other plants near ground.
  • Native Planting - Growing native brush increasing native fauna and strengthening native ecosystems.


These are the milestones we plan to reach in a few months..

  • Host 2 Meetups - in Los Angeles to discuss our current projects, educational initiatives and engage with the community to grow the chapter.
  • Germinate 100 Milkweeds - transferring to critical areas needed for Western Monarch restoration.
  • Germinate 100 Sagebrushes - transferring them to community gardens and local green spaces.

With the support of the community in the round we will be able to reach these milestones and most importantly support Greenpill chapters and regen communities.

Greenpill Los Angeles History

People donating to Greenpill Los Angeles, also donated to

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A versatile SDK grants tool enabling customization and experimentation of grant programs and funding mechanisms, supporting UI design, impact reporting, and accountability for innovative capital allocation.