GreenPill Türkiye 🇹🇷

$147.33 crowdfunded from 86 people

$539.74 received from matching pools

average score over 1 application evaluations
Establish a regenerative community hub in Türkiye focused on sustainability, ecological restoration, and holistic wellness through education, collaboration, and innovation.


Our vision is to create a thriving and regenerative community in Türkiye, where the principles of sustainability, ecological restoration, and holistic well-being are deeply ingrained. We envision a future where our bio-region flourishes, ecosystems are revitalized, and communities thrive harmoniously with nature. Through education, collaboration, innovation, and healing, we aspire to be a beacon of regenerative practices, inspiring and empowering individuals and communities to create a positive and lasting impact on our environment and society.


Our mission is to establish a community dedicated to regenerative space in Türkiye. We aim to bridge the knowledge gap by providing accessible education and resources on regenerative agriculture, sustainable development, and ecological restoration. We will create a physical hub as a vibrant center for learning, collaboration, and innovation, fostering relationships and nurturing a sense of belonging. Through the establishment of a regional seed bank, we will preserve biodiversity and promote seed sovereignty. We will incentivize and engage individuals and communities to actively participate in regenerative activities, creating opportunities for skill development, meaningful work, and economic incentives. By organizing ReFi Circles, healing spaces, and innovation hubs, we will foster a culture of continuous learning, emotional well-being, and transformative action.


Regeneration: We believe in the power of regenerative practices to restore and revitalize our bioregion. We are committed to implementing ecological restoration, sustainable agriculture, and holistic approaches that promote the health and resilience of our ecosystems and communities.

Collaboration: We value collaboration and recognize that collective efforts are more impactful than individual actions. We seek partnerships, knowledge sharing, and cooperation with individuals, organizations, and communities to achieve our goals.

Education: We provide accessible and comprehensive education on regenerative practices. We believe knowledge empowers individuals to make informed decisions and take meaningful action toward creating a regenerative future.

Community: We prioritize building a strong and inclusive community. We foster a sense of belonging, respect, and support among our members, recognizing that collective action and unity are essential for creating positive change.

Innovation: We embrace innovation and encourage creative approaches to address our challenges. We actively support and incubate pilot projects, fostering an environment that nurtures experimentation, learning from failures, and continuous improvement.

Well-being: We recognize the importance of emotional well-being and holistic healing in our journey toward regenerative space. We create spaces and opportunities for healing, self-care, and emotional support, ensuring the well-being of our community members as we work towards a sustainable future.

Sustainability: We are committed to the principles of sustainability in all aspects of our work. We strive to minimize our ecological footprint, promote renewable energy sources, and adopt practices that ensure the long-term health and vitality of our environment.

By upholding these values, we will create a vibrant and regenerative community that serves as a model for sustainability, inspires others, and transforms our bioregion into a thriving ecosystem for generations to come.

GreenPill Türkiye 🇹🇷 History

  • accepted into Web3 Community and Education 7 months ago. 86 people contributed $147 to the project, and $540 of match funding was provided.

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