
$30.18 crowdfunded from 5 people

$131.31 received from matching pools

average score over 1 application evaluations
Decentralized network using Raspberry Pi and sensors for real-time air quality and seismic monitoring to improve community health and safety.

Built By Developer DAO | Inspired by a Streamr Hackathon

2 Min Introduction Video:



Guardian is a decentralized air quality monitoring and seismic activity detection system. The project leverages cutting-edge technologies, community-driven efforts, and open-source principles to provide real-time, accurate, and reliable environmental data.


Air pollution and seismic hazards pose significant threats to human health, safety, and the environment. Traditional monitoring systems are often centralized, expensive, and lack comprehensive coverage, making it difficult for communities to access and trust the data collected.

Solution: Guardian

Guardian addresses these challenges by employing a decentralized network of data-collecting nodes, providing a more accurate and comprehensive picture of air quality and seismic activity. The system empowers individuals and communities to take an active role in monitoring and responding to these issues.

How is Guardian being built?

Guardian Nodes are designed using Raspberry Pi and off-the-shelf components, integrated with IoT devices, air quality sensors, and seismic activity sensors. The data collected by these nodes is securely and efficiently transmitted using Streamr, a real-time data streaming and sharing platform.

Physical Components

  • Raspberry Pi 4: The core computing component for the Guardian Node.
  • SDS011 Air Quality Sensors: Measure pollutants, such as PM2.5, PM10, NO2, and CO.
  • VBC 7000 Seismic Activity Sensors: Detect ground motion, vibrations, and tremors.
  • Streamr: An open source decentralized peer-to-peer data stream SDK.

Streamr Integration

Streamr enables real-time data streaming and sharing, ensuring that the data collected by Guardian Nodes is accessible and up-to-date. By leveraging the power of decentralization, the system ensures data security, tamper-resistance, and reliability.


Guardian offers a revolutionary solution to the challenges posed by air pollution and seismic hazards, ultimately contributing to a safer, healthier, and more sustainable future for all.


We've been approved, when safe conditions have been reached, to allow us to form a team to mount a Guardian Node at the top of the most active volcano in Colombia, the Nevado Del Ruiz!

This will potentially give communities within the area early notice of the volcano's activities and potential dangers. We can potentially save lives by warning them of lethal levels of volcanic ash and/or eruptions.

Guardian History

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