Impact Verification Infrastructure Bundle

$390.38 crowdfunded from 29 people

$7,086.95 received from matching pools

average score over 1 application evaluations
Bundle of five projects to improve sustainability impact verification, combining advanced metrics for accurate, transparent climate action assessment and funding access.

🌍 Introducing the Impact Verification Infrastructure Bundle - the ultimate toolkit for proving impact and unlocking funding in the sustainability and climate solutions space. This bundle brings together 5 cutting-edge projects 🔥 that are changing the game for measuring, reporting, and verifying (MRV) impact. With our bundle, you'll be able to confidently prove that your projects are delivering real, tangible results.💡


We recently heard a story about a businessman who decided to sell one of his father’s petrol pumps to buy forest land. He claimed that carbon sequestration was a “lazyboy” way to make money with little effort. He bought 100 hectares of deciduous forest land in Northern Russia and planted fast-growing birch trees, which are not indigenous to the area. To make way for the new trees, he cut down rich, biodiverse trees and plants, leading to the destruction of the local ecosystem. The situation was worsened by the use of fertilizers and short-term solutions, which caused soil erosion, over-extraction of the water table, and displacement of local species. This is not what regeneration should look like.


This anecdote is not an isolated incident, but a growing concern due to the inadequacy of impact accounting. The worst part is how well meaning activists, investors and regulators cant help but incentivize actions like the one outlined above. As the Impact Verification Bundle, we believe that better, more holistic impact verification metrics are key to addressing these problems. All our regenerative efforts are underpinned by the quality of our measurement and verification tools that enable us to track the real impact we've made.

Although tons of carbon sequestered can serve as a baseline for measuring regenerative impact, it doesn't provide the whole picture. In fact, it could even encourage actions that destroy biodiversity in the region where it is being applied. This is known as the measurement problem, as Goodhart's law states that when a measure becomes a target, it ceases to be a good measure. The measurement problem is also the main barrier when it comes to funding other domains of regenerative action like litter cleanup, water & soil health, and even hard to quantify domains like psychological well-being.


To solve this problem, we need decentralized, innovative approaches that maintain composable and unifying standards that are easy to deploy and corroborate with tools of decentralized Measurement, Reporting, and Validation (dMRV). This requires major innovation in the way we account for impact. We're currently supporting five innovative projects working to address this problem at the root of our impact accounting stack. Any donation you could make would go a long way in supporting this often underappreciated keystone in the #ReFi and Impact Investing sector.


BÚAN @buan_fund BÚAN is a decentralized fund that invests in climate-positive projects across the globe. Their mission is to accelerate the transition to a sustainable, low-carbon economy by providing funding to early-stage projects that have the potential to make a significant impact. They focus on transparency and accountability and aim to create a community of investors and project creators who are passionate about creating positive change in the world. BÚAN is developing digital twins of natural assets with the objective of preserving and expanding biodiversity. We want to rekindle societies relationship with nature. Developing the framework for minting digital assets to the blockchain in a legally indemnifiable way is something that we hope many projects and individuals will avail of in the future. Legal agreements with landowners and businesses will all be made available. Furthermore we want to decentralize the incorporation of blockchain based businesses so that there is a frictionless way of incorporating in Europe.

EverGreenCoin @EverGreenCoin_ EverGreenCoin® (EGC) is a native blockchain PoW/PoS hybrid cryptocurrency, long full PoS, launched in 2015. The EverGreenCoin Foundation, Inc. is a 501(c)3 public charity launched in 2017. Proof of Environment™ (PoE) is a program of the foundation's, by which it rewards environmentally-conscious activities and observations with EGC, launched in 2019. PoE rounds run monthly and the reward pool is grown throughout. Submissions are publicly scored. The reward each submission receives after month's end is proportionate to the public scoring. We believe we have an amazing platform established for people to share, and be rewarded for, any environmentally-conscious activity. We are requesting grant funding to scale EGC’s PoE and ready it for a global stage. Whitepaper: Linktree:

LunarPunk Labs @LunarPunk_Labs Weaving the unconscious of the regenaissance. We are researching, designing and developing a new breed of dynamic impact verification metrics operationalizing indigenous health intelligence by encapsulating it as Adaptive Capital. “Adaptive Capital” is subsequently a proposition for valuing living ecosystems through a multi-perspective architecture and evaluating it against the free energy principle; a means of evaluating quantitative measures with qualitative outcomes by Active Inferencing. We also bootstrap our runway and do ecosystem weaving by providing systems architecture consultations, UX/UI design and R&D for integrating AI & LLM, Narrative & Marketing for Regenerative projects from our combined experience of Governance Coordination in Regen Foundation, R&D at Pillar and Ecosystem Development at CommonsStack, Wholistic Business Design, UX, Brand Design and Software Development at various other traditional and web3 enterprises. We are platform & ecosystem agnostic and provide keystone services to keep the ecosystem nourished and provide design schemas for impact evaluation across platforms and projects. We are also designing interfaces for perpetual onboarding and interfacing with “Natural General Intelligence'' currently being prototyped on a holonic social media platform. We also provide workshops and thought leadership on the domains of Active Inference/ FEP and education for the usage of ZKproofs in Impact assessment metrics and decentralized crowd work safety. Our partners include: Sovereign Nature Initiative (Research), AtlantisDAO (Systems Architecture Pilot), VIZN_Labs (Management), Weco .io (User Interface & Social Media), Networked Autonomous Organisms (Portable Communities Protocol) & Greencheck (Sybil Resistant DID).

ORGO @orgo_earth ORGO is an impact certification engine that empowers individuals and organizations committed to making a positive difference for our planet. We offer community organizations with data collection, task management, and volunteer engagement tools to streamline their operations. Nonprofits on our platform verify impactful activities using evidence-based criteria and issues on-chain credentials . Join us for a better planet! Impact organizations gain access to cutting-edge data collection, task management, and community engagement tools, taking their impact work to the next level. Individuals can also join the fight for a better planet and earn rewards while completing missions for participating organizations. Verified evidence-based activities grant users verifiable credentials in their profiles, showcasing their contributions to the planet. With a blockchain wallet, users own and control the data they create. By combining their efforts, individuals and organizations can create impactful, verifiable projects that are available for donors in our Sponsorship Marketplace. Website: Discord: Blog:

SproutUp @SproutUpApp SproutUp is the impact certificate fundraising platform for web3 impact organizations. Impact certificates are NFT’s that represent one project output, such as a planted tree or bag of collected trash. Impact certificates are the new “products” of the impact sector. Each donor will receive one or more certificates for their donation. Each SproutUp impact certificate consists of: a video of unique project impact; AI-generated cover art; and a name, description, and attributes. Impact certificates have two critical roles in climate impact verification.

  1. Carbon credit alternative Web3 refi has carbon credit tunnel vision. Carbon credits have an important but limited role—to offset ghg emissions. They apply to a small range of projects. They come with strict requirements. They are commoditized and sold in bulk, mostly to large corporate buyers. And they are, unfortunately, rife with fraud. Impact certificates are the opposite. They are individually unique. They can be creatively configured for a wide range of projects. And they are sold to ordinary donors. Impact certificates are for climate projects that need a flexible fundraising and verification toolkit. SproutUp will offer smart contract and NFT “legos” that each project can combine to fit their needs. A project could, for example, create tree NFTs (backed by verifiable impact) that produce carbon tokens for their holders. And the carbon tokens could in turn unlock further benefits.
  2. True price accountability What many miss about impact verification is it’s not just about the impact—but also how much it costs. For every purchase, we need to know the price. The right product at the wrong price is the wrong purchase. The same is true of impact work. A donation is only worthwhile if funds are used effectively. However, there are no (real) prices in the impact space, and therefore, no cost-informed way for donors to allocate money. Tree planting nonprofits, for example, can prove they planted a million trees. However, they can’t prove that it only costs “$1 per tree” to do it. Virtually every such claim today is false. If donors cannot connect the dots between their donation and a unique tree, there is no real price. Period. The ability to atomize project outputs (such as trees) into unique impact certificate NFTs is the critical link to creating price accountability. And subsequently the key to spurring impact sector efficiency and innovation. Website: Discord:

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Impact Verification Infrastructure Bundle History

  • accepted into Climate Solutions 1 year ago. 29 people contributed $390 to the project, and $7,087 of match funding was provided.

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