Guil’s work onboarding and promoting Gitcoin
average score over 3 application evaluations
Web3 advocate organized educational and networking events around web3 fundraising, promoting Gitcoin Grants, and helping onboard new users to fund regenerative projects.

Who I am

I have been an active contributor in the web3 ecosystem for the past 3 years, working with projects like General Magic, Regens Unite and The DAOist to help bring more exposure to regenerative projects in web3 via communications, partnerships, and events work.

I’ve participated as both a donor and grantee in the Gitcoin ecosystem to raise for my own projects and therefore feel very strongly about supporting the success of Gitcoin long-term to fund public goods.

My twitter:

Recent Contributions

In March 2024, I organized a Regen Meetup during Rio Onchain Week and EthSamba, where I hosted and facilitated conversations around fundraising strategies for regenerative projects in Brazil. I was happy to exchange learnings and best practices as a user of Gitcoin Grants platform.

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Regens in Rio_tweet_2

In October 2023, I took part at ReFi Week at the Traditional Dream Factory in Portugal - where I was able to promote gitcoin grants as a viable fundraising mechanism to some of the projects present.


In November 2023, I helped organize the conference D:Pact Istanbul during Devconnect. As part of the event's program, I co-created and designed a keynote that my colleague Corinna presented to a full audience, in which Gitcoin, Greenpill, and other platforms and initiatives are promoted as keystones of the regenerative movement. We also brought in Kevin Owocki for a panel to share about recent developments.

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Previous Experience as a Gitcoin Citizen

In September 2023, I co-organized Regens Unite Berlin, a 2-day unconference with 200 attendees during Berlin Blockchain Week 2023. Regens Unite is a community-building initiative that bridges the gaps between the broad range of sectors working on regenerative solutions, and the perfect place to give platform to a project like Gitcoin.

The event ran from Sept 15-16th, where I helped lead a 40-minute recorded session called Fundraising in Web3. The session was hosted on Saturday September 16th.

I invited both newcomers and experienced people to share learnings and ask questions about how to access platforms like Gitcoin to raise funds for impactful projects.

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In this recorded session, I shared the stage with Corinna Schlicht and invited attendees to learn about how Gitcoin Grants rounds work, and engage in an open discussion around fundraising best practices, challenges, and ideas for successful raising in the web3 space.


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This recorded session had about 15 attendees, with a 50% split of people between those with Gitcoin experience and those without.

A broad range of web3 experience levels attended - some completely new without their first wallet, and some with previous grants interested to exchange their personal learnings.

This session was a great continuation of previous sessions I helped run in Berlin and Brussels in May 2023. A variety of strategic questions were posed by the room of engaged participants, proving that not only are newcomers interested to get started with platforms like Gitcoin, but also experienced grantees are interested to learn how to improve on their fundraising tactics.

In May 2023 I supported two Gitcoin activation events in Berlin and Brussels, inviting the Regens Unite network to come learn about web3 fundraising and specifically learn how to participate in Gitcoin grants rounds.

A broad range of experience levels attended each of these events - some completely new to web3 without their first wallet, and some with active grants wanting to learn more about best practices for successful fundraising.






Proposed Contributions

Digital Webinar:

I plan to continue running future sessions with Corinna in an online webinar format in order to make it accessible to the 800+ global Regens Unite community of changemakers, as well as my other community networks (Zebras Unite, Platform Coops Consortium, etc).

The first webinar will be scheduled in advance of an upcoming Gitcoin round so that attendees have a chance to participate in the round as both donors and grantees.

The webinar will be structured as follows:

  • What is web3?
  • Brief overview of quadratic funding
  • Introduction to Gitcoin Grants
  • Passport
  • Examples of successful grants
  • The importance of outreach & marketing (Twitter Spaces, Social Media)
  • Web3 Fundraising Cheat Sheet 👇

Supporting Resources:

A Web3 Fundraising Cheat Sheet will be created to summarize the webinar content, and point attendees to additional onboarding resources such as Metamask setup, Gitcoin grants setup, and so on.

This educational content will be recorded, added to the Regens Unite Youtube channel, and invited to be shared across the media partner network.

How this work positively impacts Gitcoin

  • Regens Meetup in Rio: 12 attendees
  • ReFi Week at TDF: 50 attendees
  • D:Pact Istanbul: 150 attendees
  • Regens Unite Berlin 2023: 200 attendees (15 in the recorded session)
  • Regens Unite Berlin 2022: 200 attendees.
  • Gitcoin activation Berlin 2023: 20 attendees.
  • Regens Unite Brussels 2023: 60 attendees.
  • Live feedback on Gitcoin’s grants programs & Passport from web3-curious projects, understanding around the biggest pain points and hurdles to overcome
  • Onboarding new users to Gitcoin for upcoming rounds
  • Connecting web3-savvy existing users with new users to share learnings and create a local community support network
  • Exposure for Gitcoin grants rounds

Guil’s work onboarding and promoting Gitcoin History

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Grant program rewarding Onda staff for valuable community contributions.
Creating a digital currency backed by climate assets and ecosystem services, incorporating solarpunk values, to fund zero-emission projects and create value through ecosystem services and a network of participating merchants.
Funding journalists via web3 certificates for stories with measurable impact, bypassing traditional grant models, focusing on accountability and incentive for sustained reporting.