Healing Coral

$134.24 crowdfunded from 16 people

$1,215.39 received from matching pools

average score over 1 application evaluations
Platform integrating art, coral restoration, and Web 3.0 technology to regenerate marine ecosystems through NFT sales that fund projects and provide lifetime artist royalties.

Our Mission is the Healing of our relationship with the Blue Planet we live in, adopting a holistic approach by addressing the issue by building conscience and awareness on the importance of this ecosystem for humanity, including all human communities beyond only coastal inhabitants. Using results based participation through donations funneled towards participative regeneration of marine ecosystems represented in the creation of Crypto Assets (NFTs) backed by nature; we are creating a new platform for global artists contributing to impact through art. Participation is geared towards supporting regenerative projects, education initiatives and monitoring impact from the Mesoamerican region to the SeaFlower Biosphere Reserve in San Andrés Colombia. This yearning to invest our time and energy into a project that can help us heal our relationship with the ocean, has brought a group of bright minds together to contribute a platform that can generate a positive impact in the Web 3.0 age of the world. We envision the building of a community brought together in the metaverse and working towards the regeneration of all our marine ecosystems. Art will be the bridge to overcome all the barriers of attention, and bring us closer to healing together with our great blue planet. Healing Coral is then conceived as a platform that integrates Art, Coral restoration and web 3.0. Empowering members of the community by contributing directly to the healing of our marine ecosystems via the acquisition of NFTs. Currently, our NFTs are hosted through some marketplaces and we’re looking for investment to develop a proprietary smart contract that can enable us to provide lifetime royalties to artists and the Healing Coral Fund for promoting projects that aid in coral and marine ecosystem restoration. As a platform Healing Coral seeks to facilitate the transition of traditional donations towards participation via regenerative NFTs. We aim to provide a user experience where people that want to become a part of the community can purchase their NFT via traditional payment methods and we provide a wallet and instructions for reselling the NFT for audiences that aren’t yet in the Web 3.0 loop. Making this process easy for all markets we pursue: Traditional Art and Galleries, Artists, Collectors, and Passive Activists, all stakeholders we can rapidly turn into Direct Impact Activists simply by collaborating and becoming part of the Healing Coral Community. There are already 2 NFT collections available, the first, hosted on Open Sea, with a high price point that is aimed at the organizational market, for funds, NGOs and private companies that wish to make a considerable donation and that is backed by already existing projects. https://opensea.io/collection/healing-coral-pioneer-collection The second is a collection that is more accessible to anyone and that seeks to gather funding for projects that are currently in the planning and initial rollout, as well as for Healing Coral’s operational and research & development needs. Specifically for a proprietary Smart Contract that can insure lifetime royalties and a dynamic valuation of NFTs that can insure an increase in your investment once becoming a part of our community. https://healingcoral.artiva.app/

What are the benefits and motivations for joining the Healing Coral community? You will be a part of the first decentralized social movement for the regeneration of marine ecosystems in the Caribbean. By acquiring one of our NFTs you are directly contributing to a positive impact by backing the selection of projects being financed for the regeneration of specific marine ecosystems and participating in the benefits of healing our relationship with our Blue Planet by collaborating in addressing this responsibility together with coastal communities.

Healing Coral History

  • accepted into Climate Solutions 1 year ago. 16 people contributed $134 to the project, and $1,215 of match funding was provided.

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