Inferer Advertisement Protocol
Inferer Advertisement protocol is the first ever decentralized airdrop(advertisement) protocol in web3, which is based on uniswap, targeted on web3 advertisement and created new possibilities on airdrop. It’s AMM based, user analyzed and data(user) profited.
What's Inferer?
Inferer Labs focus on exploring user data protocol in web3. We provide user identity analysis service, project inner evaluation service and innovate airdrop protocol, which creates an airdrop AMM market, connects above two ends and builds an effective economic cycle to users.
What's our vision?
Inferer is committed to serve advancing user data rights in web3.
What we've done all the way down since 2021?
Inferer launched on the grant by PlatON in late 2021 early 2022 and keeps building since that time. We learned a lot, explored a lot, and now we try to contribute more to this great crypto community. Hope Inferer would generate more values to our community. That would be most worthwhile for inferer.
We put every milestone for record here in inferer. Hope you will like it.
1: We're so excited to announce that Inferer Airdrop/Advertisement Protocol has boarded Base mainnet. All 24 pools in the batch loaded. We're seeing quite many opportunities ahead in Base. Get prepared.
2: Also, meme coin utilization support in Inferer Airdrop Protocol is coming online. People love meme coin utilizations. It brings values to coins. Protocol would serve & provide leverage tools for meme coin to fund in airdrop/advertisement tasks. There'll be a wild future on this.
3: One more thing, this's prepared for upcoming dapp crazy time. We're getting ready for connecting innovative airdrop/advertisement referral mechanism to farcaster/lens ecosystem.
1: We’re thrilled to announce that Inferer Airdrop Protocol beta has officially released on Arbitrum Mainnet. We’ve deployed 24 pools in first batch, which includes Social/Game/Finance/Sport/Air/Commerce user work tokens, pairing with USDT/USDC/DAI/ETH tokens. These pools would maximum help boost new on-chain airdrop/advertisement activities. We’re seeing a new era of airdrop/advertisement in web3 now. And we’re pretty excited about this.
2: Moreover, Inferer launched a dedicated Airdrop Chain. The chain id is 12580 and RPC node goes to It’s backed by geth and further equipped with Airdrop Browser Airdrop Chain is set up for innovative airdrop/advertisement product exploration and we’re going to see quite many more new future features, which we’ve never seen before. And, it’s designed with points/token incentives. Lots of exciting beneficial stuff.
3: One more thing, except for the first batch of pools, we’re further exploring something big, which facilitate meme coins, explore the usage values of meme coins and empower the leverage of meme coins. Crazy future on explosive meme coin solid usages.
1: We’re so excited to announce that Inferer Airdrop Protocol beta is officially launched on Protocol is deployed in Inferer Airdrop Testnet. It’s an innovative break through for airdrop industry and amazing exploration on web3 advertisement. Everything about airdrop has been recreated & redesigned on chain. Go check it out.
2: We’re releasing protocol with invitation now. Go join our community (tg/discord) to get invitation code. Also, we’re planning on Community Founder Edition & Community Core Edition nft series. They’re coming along with high value in the future. And, they would be quite beautiful.
3: One more thing, Airdrop Protocol would get on board on Mainnet(Arbitrum) in the next coming week. We’ve come up with quite many great ideas & continuous moves following. Explosive event. Let’s sail!
1: We're thrilled to share that Inferer Airdrop Protocol beta would come out soon online. Innovative, novel, and extremely exciting.
2: We're also publishing Chinese version Inferer Airdrop Protocol whitepaper, which would be better reading for Greater China Community. mirror:
3: We'll have an invitation code for inferer community early members. Join in community (tg/discord) to explore this journey with us.
1: We're so excited to announce that inferer has published Inferer Airdrop Protocol whitepaper officially. It's the first ever decentralized crypto airdrop protocol, which is based on uniswap, targeted on web3 airdrop(advertisement) and created new possibilities on airdrop. mirror:
2: It’s AMM based, user analyzed and data(user) profited. We've explored so many new innovative mechanisms on airdrop market, lots of new designs on product, new implementation on contract. It's incredible. Hope you'll like it.
1: We're so excited to announce that Inferer has officially launched our Inferer Identity product NOW. Brand new design, beautiful design style, smoonth product user experience. No more chrome plugin edition, full mode desktop product, just gorgeous. We have put so much time in iteracting Identity product, including 3 versions PRD, 7 versions Design documents, and 3 big rounds of internal iteration from v1.0 to v1.3(current version). And now we made it, with such a great product quality which we're pretty pround of. Hope you will like it.
2: This brand new identity product introduces our latest great Inferer User Portrait system, which utilize our internal user label system and classfication algorithm and provide a great way to check crypto user's portrait. We believe it would generate quite lot of values in future user related products. We're pretty excited about that.
3: Moreover, Identity is so good, but we're also developing a crazy product in the meanwhile - Inferer Airdrop. We've mentioned that before, and you could imagine that it has progressed quite far away both in product concept and engineering feasibility verification. All these are getting done while we're polishing our great Inferer Identity product. Lots of new stuff and ideas, just crazy. Contact us to get enrolled in early bird product version and we do have an exciting plan to enroll, expand and stimulate. Airdrop would not be a simple airdrop any more. We believe it did have a chance to generate quite much value to our crypto community. It would be mind blowing.
1: We're excited to announce that Inferer officially supports Inferer Ranking on website It offers great product quality with concise on-chain data analysis! Brand new product user experience, new design interface, more advanced data analysis, we're offering a high level product and we're pretty proud of it. Again, we're committed to keep improving Inferer Ranking and believe it would bring huge impact in crypto project analysis.
2: We have another great product Inferer Identity is on the way to get online as well (expected late Aug early Sep). That's also amazing! If would introduce a great scoring system for crypto users and provide great values for projects to check their target users avatars. Please give us a little bit time to build it to a great quality and we have confidence that it would surprise you.
3: Recently we're discussing a lot on future airdrop product and have a great finding on this. We're having a demo to verify the concept. We do believe it would be a thing to crypto community.
1: For Inferer community gitcoin members, we're back! Back here to report our progress regularly, and brings with an amazing new product - Inferer Ranking.
2: We're excited to announce that Inferer could not only support the on-chain user address identity analysis, but also for on-chain contract web3 projects (especially NFT project). This would be obviously a tremendous scope improvement for Inferer. We hope not only we could provide users efficient identity look up tool (compared with checking transactions in etherscan or polygonscan), but also we could provide a brand new & efficient way helping users checking projects(especially NFT) users' group portraits, which could be a great reference for new users to check whether a project is with good quality or just a scam project to rug pull. We believe some new crypto users would need this and we treat this in a very valuable way!
3: We love Reddit! Not only their avatar nft users grow exponentially from 3m to 10m, but also for the unbelievably great crypto-friendly culture. We enjoy quite a lot in having discussions in Reddit. And it helped us to determine our first project analysis landing on Reddit Avatar Collections. It's quite valuable for us to analyze all avartar through, which gives us a very clear concept that which avartar series is now trending and which nft now leads in profits. We believe this would be quite useful for those reddit avatar traded users. In the long run, we're going to cover many more projects and willing to bring great values for crypto users. We believe this would definetly bring great values to crypto and help contribute to great user ecosystem on chain.
1: We're excited to announce officially that Inferer now has a brand new official site It brings totally new design language and much better user experience. This new version shows great product level in Inferer. We believe that you all would love it.
2: We brought a great internal engineering product here: Inferer label backend system. In order to reach unbelievably lots of labels, we need to improve our label processing efficiency, in a massive improvement way. In detail, it needs to handle label creation, label deletion, label edit, label check, label daily update, label comparison, label degrees and many more label related operations, all in a user friendly way with great efficiency. This leads to our new coming amazing product: Inferer label backend system, which aimed to cover these requirements and take overall label processing efficiency to a much higher level. Inferer label system has come to v1.0 and been put into use NOW. It would also iterate very quickly. We're very passionate to polish this tool to help Inferer reach to next stage.
3: We're excited to announce that AWS has decided to help fund in Inferer! We had amazing conversations and had a very great consensus: Inferer is a great project and would like to see the achievements that Inferer would take in the future. That would be a very interesting thing that we both believed.
We're excited to announce that Inferer Search has been renamed to Inferer Identity.
Inferer Identity has updated to v0.0.13. In this version, we included a major new feature: Inferer Label, which would be the key to our future user identity analysis service. Inferer Label would serve directly into our user portrait system and become the data basis in our evaluation algorithms. We would increase lots of labels to help us reach the precise analysis result.
For Inferer Label, not only we're adding more & more labels, we also try to dig more interesting dimensions on labels. We add 'degree' metric to Inferer Label, such as "Big Ens User", which refers to users who adopted more than 5 Ens names on their account or "Ens Collector", which refers to users who adopted more than 30 Ens names on their account, this extend info would help a lot in figuring out user's motive or interest. We're excited to see the benefit this brings to our evaluation process.
On engineering, we want to reach the point that Inferer Internal System could label new qualified users day by day, automatically. And we have covered this NOW.
Inferer Search has updated to v0.0.10. We put quite much time on many details which we believe would improve users' experience in a long time. Some of them listed:
always focus on the address edit text which could help users to replace new address, and avoid delete address one by one
fix that some users can't launch "Inferer Search" through mouse' right click "Inferer 0x*****" after they sleep the computer
add more twitter KOLs in Recommend feature, which facilitate users' check on these KOLs' identity
add more hackers info in Warning feature, which we hope could help keep users from scams
integrate internal server APIs to optimize the JSON API response time
add support for users to switch their binding address to inferer account
We officially launched our Inferer Search product in chrome store now. Check it out DM us anything on Twitter( And join us if u're interested, let's build it better!
We believe community matters a lot in Inferer. And we're trying to build our community which Inferer belongs to. Anyone who's interested is greatly welcome. Moreover, we would have an outstanding community plan later. It would be fun.
Inferer Airdrop Protocol History
accepted into GG22 OSS - dApps and Apps 5 months ago.
applied to the GG22 OSS - Hackathon Alumni 5 months ago which was rejected
accepted into Asia Round 7 months ago.
accepted into GG21: Thriving Arbitrum Summer 7 months ago.
applied to the Web3 Grants Ecosystem Advancement 7 months ago which was rejected
accepted into dApps & Apps 10 months ago.