Intelligence On Chain

$271.20 crowdfunded from 92 people

$486.41 received from matching pools

average score over 1 application evaluations
Startup offering investigative, educational, and verification services for Web 3.0 users, seeking funding to expand capabilities and community outreach.

πŸš€ Introducing the Web 3.0 Helpdesk: Empowering the Decentralised Future

🌐 Project Overview:

Welcome to the forefront of Web 3.0 support services! Intelligence On Chain (IOC) is an ambitious startup committed to becoming the Helpdesk of Web 3.0. In our two-year journey, we have pioneered professional investigations, education, and verification services, all while navigating the challenging landscape of decentralised technologies.

πŸ’‘ Mission:

Our mission is clearβ€”to be the go-to resource for anyone navigating the complexities of the decentralised web. From blockchain enthusiasts to DeFi developers, we aim to provide top-notch support, education, and verification services, ensuring users can confidently explore and contribute to the evolving world of Web 3.0.

🌱 Seedling Origins:

Starting with zero funding, IOC has blossomed from an idea into a tangible force within the decentralised ecosystem. Now, we stand at the precipice of something greater, ready to expand our services, enhance our capabilities, and make an even more significant impact.

πŸš€ What Sets Us Apart:

  1. Professional Investigations: Uncover the nuances of blockchain transactions, smart contracts, and decentralised applications with our expert investigative services.
  2. Education Hub: Empower users with knowledge. Our educational initiatives bridge the gap between novices and seasoned blockchain enthusiasts, fostering a more informed and capable community.
  3. Verification Services: Ensure trust and security in the decentralised realm. IOC is committed to verifying projects, identities, and smart contracts, creating a safer environment for all participants.

πŸ“ˆ The Road Ahead:

As we embark on this Gitcoin Grant round, we're seeking support to fuel our journey. Funds raised will enable us to:

  • Expand our team of experts in blockchain, cryptography, and decentralised technologies.
  • Enhance our platform's capabilities, making it a comprehensive resource for the Web 3.0 community.
  • Launch targeted educational campaigns to raise awareness about the potential and challenges of decentralised technologies.

🀝 Why Support IOC?

  1. Pioneer Spirit: Join us on the cutting edge of Web 3.0 development.
  2. Impactful Services: Contribute to the growth of a platform that plays a crucial role in the decentralised ecosystem.
  3. Community Building: Help us foster a knowledgeable and supportive community for the decentralised future.

πŸ™ Join Us in Shaping the Future:

Your support in this Gitcoin Grant round will be instrumental in propelling IOC to new heights. Together, let's build the Helpdesk of Web 3.0β€”a hub of knowledge, investigation, and trust in the decentralised landscape. Your contribution is not just an investment in IOC; it's an investment in the future of the decentralised web. Let's shape it together!

Intelligence On Chain History

  • accepted into Web3 Community and Education 7 months ago. 92 people contributed $271 to the project, and $486 of match funding was provided.

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