Inverter Network - Modular Smart Contract Infrastructure

$365.60 crowdfunded from 114 people

$536.32 received from matching pools

average score over 2 application evaluations
Modular blockchain infrastructure project streamlining smart contract creation with reusable modules, aiming for easy protocol development with releases from testnet deployment to a full compiler interface and whitepaper by 2024.


Inverter Protocol is a modular infrastructure for system design & protocol development. With a vision to simplify building on the blockchain, Inverter offers a modular approach to designing versatile and future-proof smart contracts. Simply put, it offers the Inverter Open Library of Modules; reusable, upgradable, tested & audited repository of stand-alone smart contracts; that can be customized and composed into protocols and mechanisms. Its core operator contract, called the Orchestrator contract, acts as the interoperability layer between Inverter modules and connects enabled modules for managing asset flows, authorizations, and other logic functionalities, allowing for low code interfaces to configure and dynamically operate smart contracts. With the design benefits provided by Inverter’s architecture, projects can immediately adapt and modify functionalities without additional development and auditing costs.

What we aim to achieve ?

2023, Q2

-Validation of Technical Solution (completed) -Protocol Architecture v.1 release (completed) -Deployed on Testnet (completed)

2023, Q3

-oStake Module POC release -Bonding Curve Module POC release

2023, Q4

-Control Room v.01 release -Indexer for data layer -Pilot compiler interface release

2024, Q1

-Compiler v.01 -Control room v.02 -Release Whitepaper

2024, Q2

-Protocol Architecture v.2 release -Mutual Debt Clearing beta

Inverter Network - Modular Smart Contract Infrastructure History

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