Juan Gitcoin Citizen
average score over 4 application evaluations
Founder educating on Quadratic Funding, guiding Gitcoin Passport creation, participating in forums and onboarding projects into Gitcoin Rounds.

As the Founder of ReFi Medellin and Green Digital Guardians, actively involved in various web3 projects, I have dedicated efforts to educating individuals about concepts like QF (Quadratic Funding) and guiding them through processes such as creating a Gitcoin Passport.

I am an active participant on Gitcoin Forum and Gitcoin X-Spaces. And I have onboarded multiple projects into Gitcoin Rounds.

Juan Gitcoin Citizen History

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Circuitscan is a website that allows users to verify the source code of circuits with verifier contracts on EVM chains, enhancing trust in applications. Supports Circom, Noir support upcoming.
A decentralized platform for hosting dApps and blockchain nodes with an easy-to-use interface, prioritizing privacy, self-sovereignty, and supporting a variety of cryptocurrencies.
Comprehensive interface for tracking, visualizing, and exploring crypto assets, DeFi, and web3 ecosystems with customizable data controls and multi-chain support.
RollupRadar is a web3 analytics platform for analyzing Layer 1 and Layer 2 rollups across various blockchain networks, providing insights for informed crypto decisions.