Karla Obakpolor
average score over 1 application evaluations
Karla founded a not-for-profit that offers free web3/tech skills training to Nigerian university students.

Karla is raising University students to learn web3/tech skills for free.

Karla entered the crypto space in her 300L at the University in 2016.

After school she pursued her Business development career, building businesses and helping companies grow.

By 2020 she focused her business development skills in the web3 space and by 2021 she founded Crypto Smart an Asset management company that has birthed sub companies and organisations.

B<>rder/ess is one such sub-organization, the tech not-for-profit arm of Crypto Smart teaching web3 skills to young people.

Recently, she received applications from 108 students from 28 Universities in Nigeria to learn tech skills, and they have begun their training.

Karla Obakpolor History

Explore projects

BanklessDAO produces multilingual web3 educational resources, including reviews and newsletters, with global reach through social media and substack, some featuring Gitcoin, but not commissioned by them.
Pledging 25% of funds for global reforestation collaboration with web3/ReFi communities, using our app for tree planting stewardship and registration, incentivizing care through TreeForward bonds.
Developing a decentralized platform for registering, promoting, and rewarding volunteering with token exchanges for goods and services, supported by various organizations and institutions.
Empowering regenerative communities through a platform for utility token issuance, promoting sustainable living and cooperative land stewardship.
An Explorer tool for verifying Ethereum attestations linked to ENS names, enhancing trust and user experience with a focus on displaying verified digital signatures.