$4,059.36 crowdfunded from 1437 people

$32,071.53 received from matching pools

average score over 7 application evaluations
Pledging 25% of funds for global reforestation collaboration with web3/ReFi communities, using our app for tree planting stewardship and registration, incentivizing care through TreeForward bonds.

๐ŸŒณ๐ŸŒณ GG20 update ๐ŸŒณ๐ŸŒณ

Silvi is now in public beta. Anyone can use our app to register and report on tree plantings as well as geotag mother trees of interest. Note: Only projects which have been vetted and configured with methodologies are eligible for stewardship and MRV payments. But anyone may use the app permissionlessly for free

In GG 19, we pledged 25% of our Gitcoin grant to launch #OperationWebTree, a global reforestation movement powered by Web3. We are proud to report back that we have onboarded 18 projects by working closely with web3 and ReFi communities around the world including Greenpill Chapters, ReFi DAO Local Nodes, and independent regenerative projects like AgroforestDAO, Kokonut Network and Ekonavi to name a few. We have committed $250 phase 1 grants for these projects to help cover the costs of seed sourcing, drone scans, planting events etc. For GG20 we will again pledge 25% of proceeds to top this fund. Depending on how much we raise, we will also allocate 1-2 phaze 2 grants to the most promising projects. Our compensation is partially fronted, partially milestone based via MRV contracts and we are also interested in growing this fund to be able to administer RetroPGF payments. If you're interested in applying to the OperationWebTree grant, please fill out this form here.

๐ŸŒณ๐ŸŒณ //GG20 update ๐ŸŒณ๐ŸŒณ

๐Ÿ‘‡ Grant Page ๐Ÿ‘‡

If you're new here, welcome to our grant.

Silvi's mission is to contribute to the trillion tree target by building financial and coordination tools for ecologically optimized and climate-adapted reforestation.

TL;DR We are building a protocol with the following tools and features:

๐Ÿ’ฐโณ TreeForwards - Every TreeForward, at its core, is a distinct bond that provides the financial commitment to plant and steward a tree through maturity. This budget prescribes species and location-specific methodologies which release milestone-based rewards to incentivize ecologically optimized and climate-adapted tree planting and stewardship. TreeForwards effectively collateralize the net present value of New Trees. Further, we strive to make TreeForwards as low risk instruments as possible by making them performance-based payouts depended on verifiable milestones and define the unit economics of reforestation Screenshot-2024-04-11-at-11-37-51-PM.png

๐Ÿ“๐Ÿ”ญ MRV - The Silvi App, a Monitoring, Reporting and Verification (MRV) tool is now in open beta and used to create reforestation impact claims. These claims can be paid if defined in the methodology. Screenshot-2024-04-11-at-11-56-37-PM.pngScreenshot-2024-04-11-at-11-59-42-PM.png Screenshot-2024-04-11-at-11-53-17-PM.png

๐Ÿ“‹๐Ÿ“ˆTreekipedia: A Tree Intelligence Commons. Treekipedia is a Tree knowledge graph and a library of species and location-specific methodologies. So far, we have built a methodology configurator that defines the order and requiresments for different proof-of-tree events such as proof of germination, potting, planting etc But with GG20, we want to launch the Treekipedia repository and invite collaborators to join on it.

๐Ÿ“’๐Ÿงฎ Batch Accounting: Silvi's robust batch accounting system efficiently manages groupings of TreeForwards, ensuring that each tree within a batch receives its requisite funding and care. This feature enhances scalability, ensuring large-scale reforestation initiatives with area based accounting are as meticulously managed as individual trees as well as for pre-planting propagation and logistics.

๐Ÿ—บ๏ธ ๐ŸงบPortfolio Management: Embodying the democratization of reforestation, we believe that global efforts should be cohesively managed and brokered and we're growing a portfolio of impact across various forest and projects worldwide. Our goal is to operate this portfolio via a DAO structure after we launch a token

Further, we're collaborating with Orgs such as ๐ŸŒป Ecotech, dMeter, Regen Network, Filecoin, Hypercerts, ReFiDAO. Further, we'd like to collaborate and interop with other projects and technologies on techniques for statistical sampling of ground truth as well as remote sensing inference. And ultimately, we'd like to vertically integrate with carbon/ecocredit certifying projects, particularly through the lens of Ecological Benefits Framework.

Tokenomics: Our long term plans involve launching a native governance token issued through tree commitments. Governance tokens will spawn utility NFT pairs that contain all the data and contracts for each tree.

Pilots: To date, Silvi has already deployed several pilots with the most recent being OperationWebTree involving 18 implementation partners. Check out our reel by RefiMiami/GreenpillMiami

However, Silvi's biggest focus is currently in Kenya, where it is connecting communities such as schools and small holder farmers to Kenya's last rainforest, Kakamega forest. Silvi is building a methodology to help establish small, distributed nursery beds around the forest with the goal of improving supply of saplings. Screenshot-2024-04-12-at-12-07-46-AM.png

With the help of Gitcoin funding, Silvi has established operations in dozens of schools and nurserie, onboarded 200+ users and propagated 150k+ trees in Kenya. Our largest project is in Kakamega Forest, which is in close conversation with the Forestry services and the Forest-run nurseries. Silvi is helping expand capacity of reforestation via its theory of change that a greater number of independent nurseries run by community members via a participatory model will help increase capacity and coordination. Silvi is close to being assigned an exclusive area for planting and forest management where our MRV and methodology will be put to the test over the following years.

Silvi History

  • accepted into GreenPill x Octant Community Round 1 year ago.
  • accepted into Web3 Community and Education 1 year ago. 102 people contributed $145 to the project, and $605 of match funding was provided.
  • accepted into Climate Round 1 year ago. 1080 people contributed $2,139 to the project, and $13,352 of match funding was provided.
  • accepted into Climate Solutions Round 1 year ago. 216 people contributed $772 to the project, and $2,929 of match funding was provided.
  • accepted into Metacrisis 1 year ago. 4 people contributed $57 to the project, and $18 of match funding was provided.
  • accepted into DeSci (Decentralized Science) 1 year ago. 7 people contributed $353 to the project, and $867 of match funding was provided.
  • accepted into Climate Solutions 1 year ago. 28 people contributed $593 to the project, and $14,301 of match funding was provided.

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