Kingfisher's Media℠

$73.46 crowdfunded from 63 people

$310.63 received from matching pools

average score over 1 application evaluations
Implementing an innovative STEAM education model focused on real-world skills and knowledge, offering a customizable learning experience with courses on emerging technologies, life skills, and climate awareness, using blockchain for rewards and access, and aiming to reform traditional education.

🎓Regenerative S.T.E.A.M Learning Model🎓

Born from the concept of Reach One, Teach One

meaning if we can all teach one person what we know they can replicate that through their connections

We inspire, excite, educate, & motivate people to support the regeneration of knowledge.

We create the learning environment where learners can customize their knowledge, for the content they choose to learn.

Our live learning center offers course curriculum specific to emerging technology, actionable life skills (Financial Literacy, Emotional Intelligence, Business Building, and more), and climate support awareness.

🎓Traditional Education Model Reform🎓

Traditional public-school modeling doesn't suit the real world needs of its learners any longer. Gone is the focus on providing students with actionable knowledge that will benefit them to have success in life. Core curriculum focus on the basic elements necessary for literacy, goes far too deep in the learner's journey. Specialized skills training has been deleted or removed from most common teaching.

🎓Growing interest in innovative school models🎓

Since the turn of the 21st century, parents have recognized the traditional school model has now distilled education to such a degree that they look for other solutions to provide their children with a more enhanced experience. Charter schools. homeschooling, S.T.E.M, and independent educational institutions are growing in demand. Private non-profits that excite the learner's imagination are highly successful in their education departments.

🎓Kingfisher's Media LLC provides a solution🎓

Our vision is to create a fully enhanced BESPOKE environment where learners can customize their learning experience based on their specific areas of interest.

We simplify the process by using existing infrastructure for immediate token gated access. Additionally, as we grow and evolve, we envision a more immersive blockchain based experience.

Going forward as we continue to mature; we recognize the need for native language translation.

🎓Measuring our impact through Learn to Earn🎓

Through our course attestations we evaluate our learner’s ability to retain the knowledge they obtain. They are then rewarded through a unique token that is produced via the blockchain. Each course has its own criteria for token issuance. Additionally, we offer Live Learning opportunities, broadcast participation, and community engagement throughout our ecosystem.

Our overall goal is to raise the collective knowledge base of humanity while providing qualified career pathing opportunities.

Kingfisher's Media℠ History

  • accepted into Web3 Community and Education 10 months ago. 63 people contributed $73 to the project, and $311 of match funding was provided.

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